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Apples absolutes Flaggschiff-Smartphone für 2021. Das iPhone 13 Pro Max hat ein 6,7" ProMotion OLED Display, ein neues Drei-Kamera-System auf der Rückseite und 5G. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 12 Pro Max und erschien am 24. September 2021.

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Power down iPhone 13 with broken/dead screen

I am trying to turn off and power down my iPhone 13 ProMax with a cracked/dead/dark screen. Without being able to see anything on the screen or use the screen I can't use the off-slider, nor can I tell when the apple logo appears. So the volume up/down and power button trick won't allow me to shut it down so I can replace the screen.

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If the screen needs replacing it is quite safe to remove it and the shield and disconnect the battery connector before moving on to the screen connectors. There is a replacement guide here.

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yes, u can we have steps to doing so as well its about $139.99 to $400 to replace the screen

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sorry man i wish things where cheaper like omg


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try pressing the volume up then volume down the power button for 10 second. your phone should be off by then

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ghn1000 wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

Letzte 24 Stunden: 0

Letzte 7 Tage: 3

Letzte 30 Tage: 9

Insgesamt: 409