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Die BCO430 von DeLonghi ist ein Kombinationsgerät aus einer Siebtträgermaschine und einem 10-Tassen Filterkaffeeautomat. Sie ist mit einem Milchaufschäumer ausgestattet. Farbe: schwarz/silber

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There fog in my timer

Hello I made a cappuccino and I think some water spilled to the clock and is now foggy how do I fix it ?

Update (10/08/2022)

Can you see the images? not sure if it got uploaded properly

Update (10/08/2022)

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Block Image

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Unfortunately there aren’t many options

You could leave it in a very dry environment until the moisture drys up

Or you could take it apart and see what the issue is from the inside(eg broken seal)

Unfortunately there aren’t many guides on taking it apart so if you decide to take it apart I can try and help guide you if you would like

Hopefully this helps

Any questions please ask


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Can you help me with replacing the boiler lid on this one? I am not able to figure out how to expose the boiler fully so that I can replace it. I am able to access it from the top, but that will not help me remove the boiler. Thanks in advance.



If you can upload some photos of what stage of dissasembly you are at using this amazing guide I can try and guide you

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Uploaded 4 pics. The last one shows a close up

Of the boiler where the water input nut is broken and needs to be replaced.


Also - I did open the bottom as on the video. It the video was solving a problem with the drip coffee maker. I could not find a way to open the espresso side of things.

Thanks for any tips.


@Valentine Christopher

Thanks for the images(they all came through just fine)

Let’s start by removing the 4 screws on the right side of top of the machine to see if that uncovers anything

(Just to let you know I haven’t actually worked on this specific device ,iv only ever worked on things similar to it, so I’m just using my repair knowledge and priory experience for these sorts of devices)



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These coffee makers often are similar. Compare to Saeco Magic Capuccino SIN017 Boiler ausbauen and Starbucks barista , perhaps it helps. Good luck!

Starbucks Barista Bild


Starbucks Barista Teardown



Saeco Magic Capuccino SIN017 Boiler ausbauen Bild


Saeco Magic Capuccino SIN017 Boiler ausbauen



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Pics attached - this is how far I could get

Update (10/08/2022)

Also - I did open the bottom as on the video. It the video was solving a problem with the drip coffee maker. I could not find a way to open the espresso side of things.

Thanks for any tips.

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Can you see the images? not sure if it got uploaded properly

Update (10/08/2022)

Block Image
Block Image
Block Image

Did these images come ok?

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liluet_hernandez wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

Letzte 24 Stunden: 0

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Letzte 30 Tage: 1

Insgesamt: 188