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Model M7572 / 400 or 500 MHz G3 processor

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PowerBook Pismo G3 No answer after replacing HDD

Tried to follow the instructions from here on how to replace the hdd, then it never wake up again.

I am having a pismo with 12GB hdd, tried to replace a 160GB, it goes smooth on the whole process of replacing from beginning till end. When finish everything, pressed the power buttom, then there's nothing happen, no chime, no sound, looks like completely dead, but the battery light and caps keys are full green and lighted, means there's power connection.

Tried to put back the 12GB hdd, again, nothing happen.

Also did the reset and no difference.

I guess something not connecting properly, any ideas?

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Gewählte Lösung

aside from the obvious re-checking of all connections when you reassembled the machine, have you tried disconnecting the PRAM battery for a few minutes and then rebooting?

if the PRAM battery is dead, the G3 Pismo may not start up as long as that battery is plugged in - the machine will appear completely dead. often unplugging the PRAM battery will let it reboot.

this and further troubleshooting ideas can be found here

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The pismo was still fine just before i tried to replace the hard disk and i didn't touch or remove the pram.


still, my suggestion would be at least to try unplugging the PRAM battery, it might not be your problem, but I've had this problem where my Pismo refused to boot until unplugging the PRAM battery. Now even though I use the same PRAM battery the machine boots no problem, it was the temporary unplugging that seemed to revive it. at least worth a try, if you haven't already.


He can also try resetting the pmu. Its in the back next to the vga connector. Unplug the computer and remove the battery before pessing the pmu. Ralph


Is there anything related to the screw next to num-lock key?


I believe the screw next to the keyboard just locks it in place.


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Hilfreichste Antwort

Double check if the processor card is well seated in the processor socket. You may take off the upper ram chip before snapping the processor card. Apply good pressure on the card until your ear it snapping in the socket.

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Yes I tried that too, i am just worrying if that's because my new HDD is over the limit of my pismo and fire up everything.


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The Pismo has no "Large Drive Support" meaning that it can't support a partition over 128GB, however this shouldn't preventing it from turning on, you will need to re-partition the drive under 128GB, to be able to install an OS, and boot from it.

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Yes i have partition it under 128GB there's no response, put back the original 12GB also nothing happen, the pismo looks dead, no spinning sound, no fan sound, what i can see is that the power is connected because i can see the 4 led lights from the battery and the caps and numlock keys have lights too.


Uh Oh, thats just like what my PowerBook G4's both did when they kicked the bucket.


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Thank you everyone who has contributed your knowledge to help me sorted out my problem.

After having lots of different kind of experimentation, from plug/unplug the PRAM, replace and insert back the battery and optical drive, pressing the power buttom lots of times, pressing the reset buttom, the list goes on.

Finally, today after work, I decided to bring out some courage and press hardly the board where the RAM is. After inserted hardly, try to pull out, as i remembered, when i pull the RAM out last time, it was quite difficult.

After putting it back, inserted the battery back and finally heard the sounds of the machine. Press the power buttom, and "bong" the pretty sound of MAC comes out!!! I miss the sound!!!

Just to let you know my current situation, i am running a MAC OS 10.4.11 (the latest i can use at PISMO), with 384 RAM and a 160GB Harddisk, since the maximum capacity of my PISMO supports is only 128GB, before i install the OS, i split it into two drives. One with 110GB and the rest as an ordinary back up disk for future use.

I am thinking if i can make it to 320GB and maybe split it into 3 partitions, since the PISMO cannot recognise more than 128GB.

Thanks everyone!!!

PS- I am using my PISMO G3 to type this message! :)

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glad to hear your Pismo is working again! regarding drives larger than 128GB with your machine, there's a company that sells drivers that allow the use of larger drives with these old machines. note there's some limitations, e.g. with the driver installed you can use a single 320GB partition, but if you one day need to boot from OS CDROM the driver of course would not be loaded and you won't be able to mount your big hard drive - but a good solution might be to just use 2 partitions on a 320GB: one at <128GB to be sure you can still mount the boot volume in case you need to boot via OS CDROM, and the 2nd partition the full remaining space.


Glad you succeed to boot your machine 3macs. Snapping the processor card can be tricky on a Pismo. Card must be well aligned to the socket.


I made the same mistake, not pressing down hard enough make sure the logic card was seated, and i was scratching my head for sure! Thanks for your post, and thank you all for the replies!


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That 320Gb drive will be seen as a 128GB drive so the partitioning idea is a non-starter

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