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Kleine Kaffeevollautomaten von Melitta. Diese Anleitungen können auch bei anderen Melitta-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Siemens und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Size of the grind


I opened the Caffeo Solo for a cleanup and closed it back. Now when the motor grind, the size of the coffee grind is top big and the infusion is not happening. I tried to change the size of the grind, nothing changed.


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Did you open the grinder? Follow this guide, open it and adjust it. This is a good opportunity for a replacement of the grindstones.

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Thks for the quick answer ! I'll try next weekend and let you know.


I followed the tutorial but nothing changed. The size of the grind is still too big. I didn't see where to adjust so it might be that.


I don't know why, but this part does not appear in the english translation:

Jura Mahlsteine austauschen


If you want to watch the grinder, when opened, use an empty toilet roll.


I finally had time to unmount it and managed to fix it. The issue was that I did not screw properly the black ring (size selector) to the grinder. Thank you very much for your help.


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