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Apples Mainstream-iPhone 2021 wurde am 24. September vorgestellt und kommt mit einem 6,1-Zoll-OLED-Display, einem dualen 12-MP-Kamerasystem und in fünf verfügbaren Farben. Nachfolger des iPhone 12.

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iPhone microwaved - now vertical lines on display

Hi, My brilliant daughter thought it a great idea to put her iphone in the microwave whilst facetiming a friend!! Result is the phone powers up but has vertical lines across the screen which means I cannot unlock it to get the data off. Where do I start for repair? New screen or is it the devices that drive teh screen? Only want to get her pictures and videos off at this point.

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Hello, could you please add a picture of the device's damage? Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen I also believe that it would be very helpful to the repair process to know why the phone was microwaved. Was the phone water damaged at some point?


If you plug it into a computer is it detected?


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New screen probably, damaged by the microwaves (take it she cooked it). Take it to a shop and ask if they can hook up a new screen and see if it works before committing.

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To add to this answer, you can also replace the screen by following this guide. iPhone 13 Display tauschen


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Microwaves are a form on electromagnetic radiation. Although they aren't ionizing, they can induce high voltages in the chips and wires inside the iPhone, therefore frying them. Considering the fact that the phone still boots, it is likely that the screen was the only part damaged.

iPhone 13 Display tauschen

iPhone 13 Screen

Replace a scratched or cracked front panel glass digitizer screen or a malfunctioning display with this aftermarket LCD screen. Bild


iPhone 13 Screen


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