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Ein Spitzengerät aus der Familie von Kaffeevollautomaten der Marke Melitta. Typ F74/1-100

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My brewing unit is jammed in machine

Hello my Barista TS has the brewing unit jammed in machine and i cannot get it out. I was having trouble with machine not making coffee and would flush with water then shut down without grinding beans. Soaked brewing unit as Melitte suggested for an hour but brewing unit is now jammed in machine. Any ideas?

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Had my machine about 5 years, the brew unit was always a bit stiff to get in and out. About two years ago I could not remove it, but it has continued to work fine, and is used daily. Any suggestions on removal appreciated.


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Is it jammed, because the motor worked, or is it just jammed in the bottom rails? In the first case it's difficult: you have to open the device and connect the drive to a voltage source of about 12 V DC. Another possibility: the side plate of the brewing unit can be unscrewed, but this is really ugly. Follow this guide

In the second case the brewing unit maybe removed by pulling firmly in the top left part of the brewing unit. Good luck!

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