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Die 2013er Neuauflage des Mac Desktops, bekannt als Mac Pro.

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Mac Pro Late 2013 - Audio In/Output kapput

Hallo, vor ca. ein Jahr wurde das audio In/Output meines Mac Pros kapput gegangen, da ausversehen ich Phantom Power da drinnen gesteckt habe.

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wie könnte ich es reparieren? oder gibt es Ersatzteile dafür?

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@pequeno34691 Your audio jacks connect to the I/O board. So, any overvoltage could have damaged that particular board. You did not tell us if your Mac Pro functions normally except the audio I would consider replacing the audio jacks and the I/O board. This guide https://de.ifixit.com/Anleitung/Mac+Pro+... shows you how to work on both of that. The part number for the Audio jack is 923-0503 and for the I/O board its 661-7553. The I/O board is quite costly so take a look at it first and see if you can find any damaged components' etc.

If you find anything odd or have questions about, post some good pictures of that with your Question. That way we can see what you see.


@pequeno34691 Deine Audiobuchsen sind mit der I/O-Platine verbunden. Daher hätte eine Überspannung diese bestimmte Platine beschädigen können. Du hast uns nicht gesagt, ob dein Mac Pro normal funktioniert, außer dem Audio. Ich würde in Betracht ziehen, die Audiobuchsen und die I/O-Platine auszutauschen. Diese Anleitung https://de.ifixit.com/Anleitung/Mac+Pro+... zeigt dir, wie du an beiden arbeiten kannst. Die Teilenummer für die Audio-Buchse lautet 923-0503 und für die E/A-Platine 661-7553. Die I/O-Platine ist ziemlich teuer, also schau sie dir zuerst an und schau, ob du beschädigte Komponenten usw. findest.

Wenn dir etwas merkwürdig vorkommt oder du Fragen hast, dann poste ein paar gute Bilder davon zusammen mit deiner Frage. So können wir sehen, was du siehst.


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Hi oldturkey03. Thank you very much for the answer to this issue. Yes, it is truth, I did not post anything about if the computer has another related issues! Well, fortunately since then it seems that the rest works fine. Indeed I use the headphone output instead. More info about the I/O jack: when I connect my monitors there, it sounds an awful very-very-very loud electronic-digital noise.

So the problem is with the board?

So, if I want to repair this thing, I have to dismantled the whole CPU, in order change something in the I/O board? or is it better to change the whole board?

What do you think?

best regards


@pequeno34691 this "it sounds an awful very-very-very loud electronic-digital noise" makes me think the issue is definitely on the board. Sad thing is that there are no schematics for the board. Unless we find a failed component we may not be able to troubleshoot it. That is why I suggested to start looking for a board replacement. To replace the I/O board use the above guide. It really is not terribly complicated just a bit tedious.

BTW do you remember the voltage of the "Phantom Power"?


The Phantom power is 48 volts.

I have checked the prices of second hand boards and they are really expensive to me (ca. 200 € the cheapest).


@pequeno34691 48V quite a big bang :-) I agree with the cost for the board. Two options you got here. Remove the board and checked for damage or just continue to use the computer (if you can) as is. Who knows, maybe you come across a cheaper board or schematics may just pop up one day to enable us to do a repair to your board.


Yep. I plugged a sound recorder to reproduce something and so on and I forgot to deactivate the phantom power and bum! but with this awful very-very-very (and I mean very) loud noise :-S

This I/O board is "just" the sound card and the needed electronic (sockets, jacks, speaker...) for the computer, isn´t it?

The schematics are probably locked somewhere in California (Apple Headquarters) :-D

Well, as everything works and I would not like to damage anything else when dismantling, I think, I am going to stay with the can as it is (out there there are second hand mac pro like mine for 400 € including bigger internal ssd drives). Due the software requirements are growing in a exponentially non-stop way and the technology hardware design is (so to say) "stuck", in 2025 probably I will have to get another computer in the second hand market.

Anyway, thank you very much for paying attention to this issue and for trying to find a solution!

Best regards!


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