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Anleitungen zur Reparatur und Fehlersuche bei der FixHub Multifunktionalen Powerstation, die als primäre Stromquelle und Bedienelement für die FixHub Produktserie von iFixit dient. Erhältlich ab Mitte Oktober 2024.

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Where are the firmware release notes?

I would like to see release notes describing what's being changed in the firmware. I've updated my FixHub firmware twice now. In both cases, the FixHub consoles states that an update is available, but no indication if the update fixes issues I'm having.

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@todbot , We're sorry you're having issues with the unit. We're working on the release notes now.

Do you want to share any of the issues that you're having to see if we can help troubleshoot it?

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Hi! Thanks, I can't wait to get some insight into what's happening.

The main issue is that when it's supplying 15VDC, sometimes it shifts down to 12VDC when plugging in another device (like the soldering iron) or even when the charge gets <25%. Very frustrating as the device I'm powering needs 15VDC, not 12VDC. I thought the latest firmware update fixed this, but I experienced it again yesterday. I've taken to not using the battery for non-soldering purposes as I currently don't trust it.

I also get the occasional "Battery Error: Charging Halt" when the battery is full after charging. Others have reported that though.


@todbot A fair question! You'll be able to see release notes here in the next few days.

For a single plugged in tool, the amount of power that we can output is dependent on the amount of charge left in the battery. Here's a plot of the voltage/power as related to Charge level: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e... You'll see that we drop to a maximum 12V output below 24% charge.


As far as splitting power between the two ports,

the algorithm is as follows:

• If one Tool is attached (either iFixit or non-iFixit Tool), this Tool gets the maximum amount of power the Power Station can support at the time, minus an Idle Power amount (2W) left for the non-connected port. This means that if the Power Station can support 100W, the connected Tool gets 98W of power, and the remaining unconnected port gets 2W.

• If two Tools are attached and are the same (either both iFixit Tools or both non-iFixit Tools), each Tool gets one half of the available power the Power Station can support at that time. This means that if the Power Station can support 100W, each Tool gets 50W of power.

• If two Tools are attached and one is an iFixit Tool and one is a non-iFixit Tool, the iFixit Tool gets 75% of the available power and the non-iFixit Tool gets 25% of the available power. This means that if the Hub can support 100W, the iFixit Tool gets 75W of power and the non-iFixit Tool gets 25W of power.


My FixHub has error charging at the first night, would love to see a CHANGELOG for all past releases.


@vicary, I'm tagging @brett here for him to answer this question for you.


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