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Anleitungen zur Reparatur und Fehlersuche bei der FixHub Multifunktionalen Powerstation, die als primäre Stromquelle und Bedienelement für die FixHub Produktserie von iFixit dient. Erhältlich seit Mitte Oktober 2024.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Mobile phone can´t connect to hub using the FixHub app

My mobile phone won´t connect to the FixHub using the FixHub app from the playstore.

I´m using a Samsung S24 Ultra with current OS and it does connect to other devices so the USB port works.

Are there any current issues withh the app? Do I have to set any permissions?

Please help.

Thanks and best regards


Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

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2 Kommentare

@andreasm68907, did you try updating the firmware via desktop first before connecting to your phone?


Cheers Kris,

the hub has 1.06 installed. That should be the current version.

Best regards



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USB debugging had to be enabled on the mobile phone.

Best regards


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@andreasm68907, Thank you for following up. I'm super glad that this was resolved!


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