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Battery will not hold a charge
The laptop is not charging.
Cord Malfunctioning
Check to make sure it is the right cord for the device. When plugged in the light on the front will light up. If there is no light the cord may be loose, make sure all the connections are tight (i.e. power block). Check for any marks or cuts along the cord. Buying a new cord may be your best option.
Faulty Battery
First check that when the laptop is plugged in and that the charging light is on (i.e. front of laptop). Check that the percentage does not go up when charging by hovering the power supply image in the bottom right corner after logging onto your laptop. If it says not charging then you will want to replace your battery.
Computer will not turn on
Laptop will not power on.
Battery is dead
Check that the charging light is on once you plug your laptop in. if the light is on and the laptop doesn’t turn on then try replacing the battery with this guide.
Blue screen (error messages)
The Blue screen Stop message can be encountered several ways. One common one is that the drivers are out of date and need to be updated. This is a link to download the updated drivers.
Audio is distorted
Sounds are not coming out properly.
Muted Audio
Make sure that the audio is not muted on your laptop. Check this by going to the bottom right corner of your desktop and clicking the up carrot. Click the mini speaker icon and unmute.
Headphones (jack)
Check if the audio is distorted through just your headphones, or the speakers as well. If it is just the headphones then the audio jack may be at fault. Make sure your headphone is fully inserted.
Download updated audio drivers
Update your audio drivers.
Replace speakers
If the above solutions did not help and your actual laptop speakers are not working then you may want to replace them. Here is a guide.
Computer is getting hot
The laptop becomes very hot and shuts off possibly.
Fan is blocked or there is a dust build up
First off make sure that there is room for the fan to blow. (i.e. the grates on the bottom are not covered up. If that isn't the case then take the fan out and clean or replace it. Use this guide.
Touchscreen is unresponsive
Laptop is working but the touchscreen isn’t.
Dirty screen
Clean your screen using a microfiber cloth.
Go to the computer setting. You can get there by clicking the bottom left corner start menu and click settings. In settings click devices>Mouse & touchpad. Then make sure the touchscreen is on.
Ein Kommentar
Hello what is the correct power adapter for this laptop? Or what is the best one if needing to buy a new one?
Angela Rhodes - Antwort