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Kleine Kaffeevollautomaten von Melitta. Diese Anleitungen können auch bei anderen Melitta-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Siemens und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Why does my machine not power up sometimes?

My machine seems to decide when it does/doesn’t want to turn on. Can take several attempts and hard resets to get it to actually start up. The power icon flashes and then hear the machine just click off. Sometimes it asks me to empty the tray and then just turns off.. video attached

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Reviewed the right sidebar questions for help in diagnosing your problem? How old or how much water was run thru? Are you in a hard water area with deposits building up in water lines, this coffee machine internals? Does your owner's manual have procedures for periodic cleaning of mineral deposits that can interfere and affect sensors within the machine? There may be youtube videos addressing the same issues.


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Oh, oh. I just had a caffeo solo with exact this issue. I tried to replace the microswitch of the power button, without success. So it might be an issue on the motherboard and I didn't look further. My first advice is to open the device and pull off the cables leading from the front plate to the motherboard and connect them again - perhaps the contact ist bad. My second advice is to replace the microswitch, a standard Cherry D44Y. For that you have to remove the front plate. (It is secured by four screws in the Corners and one screw beyond the coffee spout, which also has to bei removed). If this all does not help (and you live in Europe) think of shipping the caffeo to Melitta Germany, they do all repairs at a fix price of about 150€. (Your caffeo will be nearly new)I wish you success!

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Thank you!! I will take a look and see what I can find, hopefully just a loose connector somewhere..


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