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Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt

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  1. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Einen anderen Schraubendreher verwenden: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    • Deine Schraube ist rundgedreht und der Schraubendreher macht nicht mehr das, was er soll. Bevor du mit schwerem Geschütz auffährst, versuche erstmal folgendes:

    • Versuch dein Glück mit unterschiedlichen Schraubendrehern. Nimm zuerst welche, die leicht größere oder kleinere Köpfe haben, dann einen Flachkopfschraubendreher, um zu sehen, ob er irgendwo an der rundgedrehten Schraube greift.

    • Wenn das Bit die Schraube nicht sofort greift, versuch es nicht weiter. Ansonsten riskierst du es, die Schraube weiter zu beschädigen.

    • Wenn das funktioniert, herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine Schraube ist frei.

  2. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Ein Gummiband benutzen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 3 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Ein Gummiband benutzen: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 3 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Ein Gummiband benutzen: Schritt 2, Bild 3 von 3
    • Ein Gummiband kann für zusätzlichen Grip sorgen.

    • Lege ein Gummiband über die rundgedrehte Schraube.

    • Du kannst auch ein dünnes Stoffstück verwenden.

    • Führe einen passenden Schraubendreher ein und drehe ihn probeweise.

    This didn’t work since I used a small rubber band. I’m trying to remove the right screw from the optical drive. It’s already stripped and I’m planning on using the super glue which I’m deeply unsure of doing. I was thinking about using the #00 Philip screwdriver to add the super glue on. And I’m not sure if that worked for anyone especially if it didn’t snapped off. Any answers?

    Kareem Caldwell - Antwort

    This part should be removed from the guide - it doesn’t work at all.

    Mac - Antwort


    Just saved me a lot of trouble.

    I know it may not work for everyone, but if it can help just one person.

    Like it just did for me...

    It should stay!!!

    In the mist of your frustration you forgot that there is more than one way to skin a cat...


    Alvin Thomas -

    Instead of a rubber band I used a thin piece of fabric/soft cloth and this worked well. I’ve tried the rubber band in the past with no luck but fabric worked for me on a stripped #00 phillips

    cam2000deluxe - Antwort

    thanks for the tip, i was really struggling here

    just some mango -

    Not tried it, but, I saw a "hack" with super glue and baking powder...

    Fill the screw head with baking powder, add some super glue gently insert correct size screwdriver wait for glue to set and apparently it grips the screw to remove it, obviously care is needed to prevent the glue, powder spreading and damaging surrounding areas...

    Dave a - Antwort

    Worked like a charm!

    Normally, I would take my Dremael and create a flathead screw.

    But, this was in a tight spot sunk down below.

    But, shout out to Jay Miley for the quick fix.


    Alvin Thomas - Antwort

  3. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Eine Zange ansetzen: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 2 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Eine Zange ansetzen: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 2
    • Falls der Schraubenkopf zugänglich ist, kannst es mit einer schraubenlösenden Zange versuchen. Wenn du die Schraube damit gut packen kannst, drehe die Schraubenausdrehzange vorsichtig. Die Schraube sollte sich dabei mitdrehen.

    • Sobald die Schraube etwas lose ist, bekommst du sie wahrscheinlich mithilfe eines Schraubendrehers vollständig heraus.

    You can make your own screw extracting pliers using a file and old pair of regular pliers.

    Alexander Walker - Antwort

  4. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Sekundenkleber benutzen: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 3 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Sekundenkleber benutzen: Schritt 4, Bild 2 von 3 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Sekundenkleber benutzen: Schritt 4, Bild 3 von 3
    • Steckt die Schraube immer noch fest? Versuche, etwas starken Kleber oben auf die Schraube zu geben.

    • Setze deinen Schraubendreher in den Schraubenkopf und lasse den Kleber antrocknen.

    • Drehe den Schraubendreher energisch und mit nach unten gerichtetem Druck, um die Schraube zu entfernen.

    • Vergiss nicht, die Kleberreste von der Spitze deines Schraubendrehers zu entfernen.

    You might want to mention to spend the extra buck and get the gel superglue. It's way easier to control...

    lkmemphis - Antwort

    Also might suggest applying the tiny ammount of super glue to the tool tip not the screw. If you accidently squeeze out too much the overflow can be cleaned off the tool and the glue reapplied much easier than it can be removed from the screw and the surrounding areas of the device. Alternately the surrounding areas can be masked from excess glue with a bit of transparent tape.

    James Todd - Antwort

    Thanks for this BIG HELP!! The stripped screw is down in a hole and I'm worried about making a mess and getting glue on other stuff.

    believeinlove -

    How would you remove the screw from the driver?

    William Sanborn - Antwort

    How do I clean of screw driver from the super glue?

    And how do I prevent or avoid that situation the next time?

    Gerald - Antwort

    Please use the suggestions in the previous comments to improve this guide: add gel super glue to tip of driver and give instructions on how to remove screw from driver and clean the tip of driver.

    Pauline Guillermo - Antwort

    Can we reuse the screw afterwards? I have my macbook pro 2.9 mm T3 Torx and 1.7 mm T3 Torx screws stuck but couldn’t find those screws to buy…

    Camille Le Men - Antwort

    If the screw is stripped, why would you reuse it? You’ll have the same problem when trying to repair the Mac in the future if you need to repair it again. Don’t they have those screws available as a kit (with other screws) on iFixit?

    Mac -

    Screw it!!!!

    Gabe W - Antwort

    Long story short, laptop has been overheating and I thought it was a software issue, for months. I've tried everything. I come home after a stressful week, laptop crashed during a fresh windows reinstall. then I realized it has to be a bad part.

    So I open it up and burn my finger on the heatsink. "Eureka!"

    Take out heatsink and replace with same part that I already have. 4 screws, "finally a win!" I fixed Apache Helicopters for years, 4 screws, EASY! no prob. the last one strips, I want to burn the continent in my rage. I find this article and see "Try Super glue" chuckle to myself when I noticed my favorite kind of super glue right in front of me. "It must be fate! I'll likely to ruin the laptop, then I can justifiably smash it and get a new one."

    Tiny dab of glue on the screw, place in the tiny screw bit and wait till it dries.

    After 3 hours of trying not to notice the screw bit standing proudly, I gently yet firmly grasp it and give it a slow turn.

    It worked. I cried and called the wife at work

    atreestump - Antwort

    Thank you, this gives me hope and was a bid help. Been afraid to try the superglue; the stripped screw is down inside hole, so rubber band didn't work. I was also wondering how long I'd have to hold the screwdriver for it to dry and I see you just put the bit in. When I saw you fix Apache Helicopters (brother was AF pilot) I trusted your post. Got the gel, and will put the glue on the bit then in the hole... will let you know. Right now I'm still procrastinating.

    believeinlove -

  5. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt, Einen Schlitz in den Schraubenkopf fräsen: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 1
    • Wenn du die Schraube mit den vorangegangen Methoden nicht entfernen konntest, benutze ein Rotationswerkzeug.

    • Benutze eine dünne Schleif- oder Trennscheibe . Bevor du loslegst, stelle sicher, dass die Scheibe sicher im Halter montiert ist

    • Trage immer eine Schutzbrille wenn du ein Rotationswerkzeug benutzt, um Verletzungen durch Schmutzteilchen oder Funken zu vermeiden.

    • Sichere empfindliche Bauteile in der Nähe der Schraube die du bearbeiten möchtest vor Funkenflug.

    Mask the area so the small metal particles don't create a short. Even still use a few blasts of can'ed air to blow any junk away.

    Dan - Antwort

    Likely the screw shavings are magnetic, so passing a powerful magnet may help collecting the screw “dust”. Especially important if the circuit board is not con formally coated as this “dust” is definitely conductive.

    Larry Jay - Antwort

    Was going to post the same comment- absolutely agree that you should protect the device from conducting dust- could easily get lodged between IC pins, especially as magentised through grinding and would stick together in a sort of string.

    I. Margaronis - Antwort

    If you're worried about conductive dust, then put the phone on its side and blast it with alcohol and a makeup brush.

    Alexander Walker - Antwort

    You should take the board out of the enclosure before you use a rotary tool on the device.

    Mac - Antwort

    You should take the board out of the enclosure before you use a rotary tool on the device.

    Mac - 12/16/2020

    Great idea, Mac. Unfortunately, I can’t get this %#*@ stripped screw out that’s securing the board to the enclosure.

    Cunning Stunt - Antwort

    Do you have a recommendation for the tool and size of the disk?

    Blaise L. - Antwort

  6. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 2 Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt: Schritt 6, Bild 2 von 2
    • In diesem Schritt wirst du ein Rotationswerkzeug verwenden, um eine schmalen Schlitz in die rundgedrehte Schraube zu fräsen, damit du dort mit einem Flachkopf-Schraubendreher ansetzen kannst.

    • Wir empfehlen, eine niedrige Stufe einzustellen (wir haben Stufe 2 von 6 verwendet) um Schaden an dem Gerät oder an der Schraube zu vermeiden.

    • Du solltest so tief fräsen, dass ein Flachkopfschraubendreher hineinpasst und dünn genug, dass der Schraubendreher Halt hat.

    • Fräse einen einzigen dünnen Schlitz in den Kopf der durchgedrehten Schraube.

  7. Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt: Schritt 7, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die Schraube mit einem Flachkopfschraubendreher.

    • Die Größe des zu verwendenden Schraubendrehers hängt von der Größe der Schraube ab. Verwende die größte Größe, die in den Schlitz passt.

    • Wenn deine Schraubendreher nicht passen, vergrößere den Schlitz mit dem Rotationswerkzeug etwas. Achte darauf, dass du nicht zu weit einschneidest, damit der Schraubendreher Halt findest. Andernfalls wirst du die Schraube nicht drehen können.

    • Trage eine Schutzbrille und entferne nach der Verwendung des Rotationswerkzeugs eventuell verursachte Schmutzteilchen mit Druckluft. Lose Metallteilchen können ansonsten für einen Kurzschluss sorgen.

    What to do if the screw is much deeper inside?

    Dezlite - Antwort


Im Video findest du noch mehr Hinweise, wie man mit rundgedrehten Schrauben fertig wird. Benutze immer qualitativ hochwertige Schraubendreher. Ein Schraubendreher aus schlechtem Material kann die Schraube beschädigen.

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Jake Devincenzi

Mitglied seit: 04/18/11

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I usually use the soldering iron, resting on the screw head dilation of the materials or any glue on the thread, but if the damage the screw head is large only with the idea of ​​same rotary tool.

Cleyton - Antwort

The soldering iron trick works great on screws that have Loctite! I have a red dot sight for my target pistol. I needed to remove a tiny hex head set screw. I almost broke the allen wrench and it still wouldn't budge. I applied heat to the allen wrench near the head of the screw and let it sit for half minute or so. The heat broke the loctite and the screw came right out! Thanks for reminding me and for posting this for everyone's knowledge.

Albert Albertson -

"To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order."

Yeah, that makes perfect sense... If you put the saw in reverse it glues all the buts of iron back onto the screw :-)

But other than that, this could be useful in some situations. Be careful,of the iron filings on your electronics!

koesper - Antwort

Haha, good catch! We've fixed the conclusion. Apologies to all who tried so very hard to follow these instructions in reverse.

Jeff Suovanen -

There's always the ultimate tool if it won't go out, the drill.

Of course you'll have to make new threads if you drill out a screw. However, as a "weapon of last resort", the drill always works.

Branko Dodig - Antwort

Thank you for this guide. The Vampliers, however, completely removed the head of my T6 screw. There are two of them holding the display to the top case of my 15'' Macbook Pro. I am on one of the last steps in the Top Case replacement guide.

Can I use a drill if my screw has virtually no head?


A Mac User - Antwort

Using the rotary tool will spray metal filings all over the electronic components creating a short. Bad idea.

Brick dal - Antwort

I agree, to a point.

But listing it as a last resort, for a device that is already broken and cannot be repaired until the stripped screw is removed, does fit this article. Metal shavings aren't making something that is already unusable worse off. Your observation that there are risks is probably something the article should mention though as part of the explanation for why this was listed last.

toddgardiner -

Thanks for mentioning this! We added a cautionary note to the last step, reminding readers to blow out the device with compressed air before reassembly. That should help reduce the risk from loose metal shavings.

Jeff Suovanen -

This didn't help at all. In fact rubber band and glue made it worse. I don't want to use a drill. Not when the screw is so tiny. It can create more damage to the system

Semeki Izuio - Antwort

deberían ponerle un traductor de idioma

Jenny Diaz - Antwort

Sí, solo usa el traductor de Google o aprende a hablar inglés

Serpentinite V -

para mas facilidad a los que no sabemos hablar ingles

Jenny Diaz - Antwort

google pajina trasnslacion mi amigo


The rubber band trick worked like a charm for me! I couldn't remove a sunken stripped and rounded out philips head from my tail light to change the bulb. I thought I was going to have to go to a shop to get the bulb changed. I tried the rubber band idea with no real expectation of it working and surprisingly it did.

Give it a try and it might just work for you too!

absoluteze - Antwort

I would like to try this idea out with trying to take out those tiny screws on my iPhone (don’t know the technical name as I’m tool-challenged). My question is: does the width of the rubbery band matter much here? If so how much? And for those tiny screws what size rubber band should I use?

Andrea R Cerda -

Came up with a better solution for the first or second try. Personally, I would do this first. The Story: Had a Canon G16 with a stripped screw head. Severely rounded phillips, appeared that wrong size driver was used. I noticed after a bit of inspection that my good screw driver was bottoming out, preventing any contact with any remaining slot. There wasn't much remaining slot at all. I filled off the point of my screw driver just a small amount but that let me "find" the remaining phillips head slots and with some strong pressure was able to turn the screw out. Worked great.

Stihl Working - Antwort

thanks for taking time to post this helpful information!!! thats very nice of you and i appreciate it very much. even if it ends up not working in my situation , which im sure one of these steps will


My screwhead is not stripped, the Screw just spins. What do I do to get it out, can't grab head either

LuAnne Biskup - Antwort

See if you can slide a thin knife blade under the screw head and then carefully try to unscrew the screw (don't apply do much downward pressure here), as you turn the screw lift the knife edge easing out the screw until you can grab it.

Dan -

Hand operated micro drill, using a bit which is the same size as the hole the screw goes through. Just drill until the head of the screw pops off, clean up filings with a magnet. Once you've removed the part you can use pliers to remove the headless screw.

Tim Lockwood - Antwort

I think you're talking about a jewelers hand drill (or pin vise) like this one: Jewelers Drill

Dan -

This seems to be all regarding electronics. I have two screws that are stripped that hold small brackets on a wall. Previous owner of my home seemed to strip many screws. These screws are phillips and to top it off are not screwed in straight. I am remodeling my kitchen by myself and i am trying to repair all the holes in the wallboard. I would guess grabbing onto them with pliers might be the best idea. Any thoughts?


Deborah - Antwort

Pliers should work! That's probably what I'd do. If you have trouble, there are screw extracting pliers made just for this purpose.

Jeff Suovanen -

what if the screw is stripped and inside a whole like a Nintendo 3ds and cant cut it and glue or rubber band didn't work??

victor - Antwort

exactly the problem i have. I even sent it to Nintendo, they sent it back and said Nope.

joey c -

See Tim Lockwood's comment above. When all else fails, a drill will get the job done. It can be a bit messy, so I usually use it as a last resort.

Jeff Suovanen -

See the problem is that I'm like poor. And when I say poor I mean broke. I don't have any fancy tools (rotary driver? nope!) and I really just want to take out the battery of my phone before I fix the screen since I'm waaaaayyy too cheap to buy a new phone and I don't want to die. Is there a cheap effective way to remove it (I tried all of the above except super glue, I don't have that either and won't be able to get any) I really don't care if the screw is destroyed since I have a second one anyways. ( I also don't own a drill)


Niels de boer - Antwort

Duct tape and a tow rope?

Jeremy Park -

Thanks for this guide. I didn't have a rubber band so I used some kitchen paper, and it worked. I guess anything that's thin, soft and have a descent amount of friction will work.

Zihan Shu (apocalypse shu) - Antwort

Enter the following site:___https://www.skruvat.se/

Use PermaPoxy Kemisk Metall 50 g, Universal to glow a suitable l a r g e r screw - on top of the damaged screw!

Perma Poxy Kemisk Metal. En 2-komponentsmassa med en konsistensliknande modellera. För reparation av gjutjärnsdetaljer, sprickor i motorblock, insug m m.

Lagar aluminium, mässing, järn, stål m.m. Blir hård som stål på 6 0 m i n . Motstår konstant tryck upp till 240 bar = 245 kg/cm2

Tål temp. från -50°C till +150°C.

[Rem. 1 Bar = 1.01972 Kilogram-force/Square Centimeter (kg/cm) Square]

Bo Skeppstedt

Bo Skeppstedt - Antwort

Einfacher geht es wenn man eine mutter auf die schraube lötet und es damit rausdreht, aber gutes festes lot verwenden.

More Easy to use soldering new Srew on the demage screw .

You need good soldering tin

christian - Antwort

Yet one more idea that might work is a trick I sometimes use on larger seized fasteners on cars. Using a very sharply pointed punch (like a sturdy nail which has been sharpened) and a small hammer, make an indentation in the screws head out close to the edge (hold the punch vertical for first few taps) then tilt the punch about 45 degrees and while keeping the point in the indentation tap in the correct direction to unscrew the fastener. Repeated impacts will unscrew the fastener.

James Todd - Antwort

Great advice, thank you! :o)

ClaCla TI Worcestershire - Antwort

So, you get the screw out, now what? How do you get another screw to hold in a flogged out hole? Does anyone have any ideas?


Rohan Ward - Antwort

If you don't NEED to put a screw there, don't. However, if the whole thin g you are taking apart will fall apart if you don't than drill a new hole in the same spot to give its shape back

Serpentinite V -

i love the layout of this website. This really helped me take my screw out of my skateboard

istiaq ahmed - Antwort


a792030492 - Antwort

Thank you , this was actually very wise ,well done .

analfabetagoloso -


on a very small stripped screw (inside a mcbook pro) i tried the rubber band trick and the pliers one, without success. i remembered i bought a normal’ sized screw extracting kit (3 bits, this type: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/New-4pc-H...) and gave it a try, even though the bit looked huge for the screw.. but it worked perfectly !

allowed me to finish mounting that ssd in place of the dvd drive in the macbook pro mid 2010.

Thank you for this very helpfull post !

jerome cintas - Antwort

How does it work?

mark41900 -

Another effective method is to hearing up the screw before you remove it.

K Moore - Antwort

Yeah I'm taking apart a circumcision super action controller and somehow one of the screws was stripped in the factory.

Serpentinite V - Antwort

What about headless screw?

Quazi Ahmmed - Antwort

I tried the rubberband method on a semi-stripped tri-wing screw, not expecting much. Wha’dya know, that did it!

Jose Olarte III - Antwort

This isn't helpful. If you can't afford a decent screwdriver in the first place chances are you won't have a rotary tool handy? maybe think of something a bit more practical.

How can you not afford a dollar for a screw driver?

Anyways next question, anyone know of a tool that's shaped like a “scapel” and that can grind down to create a star screw driver slot?

I find that this is most practical as it can be attached to your keyring & therefore almost always with you.

Brandan Hepi - Antwort

Great video but after the cut on the screw you MUST blow out the metal waste remnants of the cut or it will short out the circuit board as soon as its activated…..

Don - Antwort

I like the glue tip, i had not see that before. Definitely, implement these in the order above and avoid the Grinding wheel if possible.

Leaton - Antwort

Not mentioned, and I read all, instead of the screw extractor pliers, cheap ‘ol me has used a pair of vice grips MANY times. I even got a a set of security screws (the ones that you can only tighten) out this way. They make several different sizes of vice grips.

To prevent problems I suggest only using good high quality screw drivers to begin with, nothing from your local grocery store, Walgreens, cheap discount stores.

Paul - Antwort

If you don’t have rotary tools, a hacksaw still always works.

Oh yeah! These are perfect for removing those extremely annoying security screws or others.

Rather than the super glue (which is essentially plastic) I recommend metal (soldering)

Yeah. With a few bits of solder (and a soldering iron + a iron fork) you can extract 99% of the screws (no one makes aluminum screws)

that’s a good one. I will note that.

Xavier Jiang - Antwort

The screw that is stripped is in the back of a watch which is slightly sunken and very small. I have tried the rubber band and that did not work. I’m thinking my last resort is the superglue. I would be willing to break the back off and buy a new one if I could figure out how any suggestions.

I would love it if you could leave a comment at my email address pinhigh353@yahoo.com

All suggestions accepted, thank you.

Annie - Antwort

This was real handy for me. Ended up using the super glue method with a home-made prop on my MackBook’s stripped keyboard screws (the 66 tiny ones of course). Took a cycle of about 14 hours for each of the 10 stripped screws, but they’re all out. What a nightmare that was. Rusted and stripped screws are a horrible thing to deal with.

Tony - Antwort

Also if the screw is sticking up part way you can put the head of your drill around the head of the screw and clamp it down like a drill bit and put it on reverse. I just did it and both my screws came right out!

grovelandwolfs - Antwort

the screw I'm trying to get is in a little hole and I can't get at it with these methods. Any ideas on how to get it out?

Kyle Hoyer - Antwort

One of the screws in my Mid 2012 MacBook Pro were stripped, and I used all of these techniques save for the super glue and rotary tool. I did however, use a drill which allowed me to get past the stripped screw. Using a drill is going to be dangerous however, because you could drill through the entire device, damaging it beyond repair. You have to be very careful, and only drill until the head of the screw comes off, then you have to use the pliers to finish removing the screw.

Christian Miller - Antwort

I am our in an Indian village. So I can not just drop by the store or even give an address for shipping. So this very helpful. Thank you!

Eric Rush - Antwort

This all tricks are not working

Fake Name - Antwort

What If the screws that are stripped are in a really small hole and is a realllllly recessed screw hole.

Danielito - Antwort

No option for a screw stuck that is not accessible with a rotary tool?

Mallory - Antwort

anyway to remove stripped screws from a Nintendo switch shell ?

Kelton M - Antwort

None of these worked for me, with my ps2 slim

elimar rosal - Antwort

My problem is that the screw is not stripped. The electronics board is the problem. The screw just spins in the hole but it will not come out. Any suggestions?

DukeofAle - Antwort

I stripped a screw in a hoverboard can you do a tutorial for removing stripped screw in hoverboards

Siuu ffv - Antwort

Is there anyway to remove the stripped screw out of a hoverboard any suggestion?

Siuu ffv - Antwort

Ayuda no puedo sacar un tornillo barrido de un jugete de bb quien me puede ayudar diciéndome como lo puedo solucionar plox

Polette Vega - Antwort

Smart watch screw stripped out, mag glass to even see…not 50, or even 80% ….100% stripped Phillips complete circle and for a nice topping? It’s in the corner. Rubber band? Too big extracting pliers? Tried with needle nose tweezers, rotary tool? You’re kidding right? Ideas? Next step soldering paste new precision Phillips and pre heat wish me luck

Jeremy Park - Antwort

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