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iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen

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  1. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Display: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    iMac Intel 21.5" Cardboard Service Wedge
    • Wenn sich beim Reparieren das Gelenk des Fußes frei bewegen kann, ist es schwierig am iMac zu arbeiten. Mit Hilfe unserer iMac Reparaturhilfe geht es leichter und schneller.

    • Wenn du die Reparaturhilfe aus Karton von iFixit hast, dann baue sie erst mit Hilfe dieser Anleitung zusammen.

    • Bevor du anfängst am iMac zu reparieren: Ziehe den Netzstecker. Drücke den Einschaltknopf und halte ihn 10 Sekunden lang gedrückt. Du entlädtst dadurch die Kondensatoren im Netzteil.

    • Sei sehr vorsichtig und greife keine Leitungen oder Lötstellen auf der Rückseite der Netzteilplatine an. Fasse die Platine nur an den Kanten an.

    I have (21.5 inch, mid 2017, 2.3 ghz) base model same as this but not 4k. How much max ram can I install in my iMac??

    Narendra Verma - Antwort

    This guide contains many extra steps for what should be a straight forward, simple parts replacement without disturbing more than the display, left hand speaker and removal of 4 logic board screws for play. Nothing else except for the left hand speaker wire & iSight cable from logic board, the lower support bracket and loosening the speaker so as to move it around a bit.

    For the ram, I bent a pair of cheap tweezers long ago supplied with these replacement kits to the perfect angle for holding, locating and inserting the ram into the slots under the logic bd after moving each retainer w/spudger and popping out the old. Pay attention to the orientation of the ram when removing/inserting the ram! An automotive mirror is handy along with a small flashlight for closeups. Once the ram is aligned properly substitute your fingers for the tweezers, ease it into the slot, push up & engage! Reinstall screws and all else. I have done this job successfully this way countless times. For a tweezers pic contact me!

    Ross Elkins - Antwort

    Additionally, if a blade is present, I install the OSx system on the blade and everything else, apps and home folders on the new SSD. You get the very fast boot off of the blade and the full ssd for all else!

    Ross Elkins - Antwort

  2. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 2
    • Beginne an der linken Seite des Displays, auf der Seite der Ein-/Aus-Taste, und schiebe das iMac Opening Tool zwischen Das Glaspanel und das Rückgehäuse.

    • Das iMac Opening Tool verhindert, dass es zu tief in das Gerät gesteckt wird. Solltest du jedoch ein anderes Werkzeug benutzen, stelle sicher, dass du es nicht weiter als 0,95cm in den iMac steckst. Es besteht sonst die Gefahr, Antennenkabel zu durchtrennen und großen Schaden anzurichten.

    • Arbeite vorsichtig! Das Glas bricht leicht, wenn es zu stark belastet wird. Erwärme die Kanten mit einem Haartrockner und löse das Klebeband ab, wenn die Raumtemperaturen niedrig sind.

    Always use a hairdryer!! I cracked my glass

    8bit !!! - Antwort

    A thin razor blade works well, but be careful to angle the sharp edge AWAY from the glass. Whatever tool you use you can easily scratch the paint on the back of the glass, which will show up when you look at he reassembled Mac on an angle later.

    This was a great guide!

    Nick Mathew - Antwort

  3. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 3, Bild 3 von 3
    • Benutze das Werkzeug wie einen Pizzaschneider - rolle es entlang des Schlitzes und es wird den Schaumkleber in der Mitte durchschneiden.

    • Stelle sicher, dass du den Griff immer hinter dem Rad hinterher schiebst. Ansonsten könnte das Rad aus dem Griff herausrutschen.

    • Fahre mit dem Werkzeug entlang der linken Displayseite.

  4. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 3 von 3
    • Fahre mit dem Werkzeug um die obere linke Ecke.

  5. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schneide den Kleber entlang der oberen linken Displayseite durch.

  6. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 6, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schneide den Kleber entlang der oberen Displayseite durch.

    • Du solltest mit dem Gerät immer etwas durch den Teil vor- und zurückrollen, den du bereits durchgeschnitten hast, um so viel wie möglich von dem Kleber zu lösen.

  7. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 7, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 7, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 7, Bild 3 von 3
    • Fahre nun mit dem Werkzeug um die obere rechte Ecke des Displays.

  8. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 8, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 8, Bild 2 von 2
    • Fahre mit dem Werkzeug entlang der rechten Displayseite abwärts.

  9. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 9, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 9, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schneide den Rest des Klebers an der rechten Seite des Gehäuses bis ganz nach unten durch.

    • Jetzt solltest du das Werkzeug noch einmal zurück um das Gerät schieben, um so viel wie möglich von dem Kleber zu lösen.

  10. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 10, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 10, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 10, Bild 3 von 3
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    Plastic Cards
    • Das Opening Tool hat schon den größten Teil der Arbeit erledigt, jedoch klebt das Display immer noch etwas am Rahmen. Eine Kunststoffkarte ist nötig, um noch den letzten Rest an Kleber zu lösen.

    • Lege den iMac mit dem Display nach oben auf einen Tisch.

    • Beginne an der oberen rechten Ecke des iMacs und schiebe eine Kunststoffkarte zwischen Display und Rahmen.

    • Achte darauf, dass du die Karten nicht weiter als 0,95 cm in den iMac steckst. Es besteht sonst die Gefahr, dass Komponenten im Inneren beschädigt werden.

    Don't forget to place the mac face up on the table. Unlike older models, there is no more flap at the bottom holding the display in place. If you do these steps with the Mac upright, the screen will pop out, hit your table, and shatter :( Don't ask me how I know.

    John M - Antwort

    So sorry. Thanks for that caution.

    Ted Horodynsky - Antwort

    Using suction cups (the ones that were made for removing the magnetic front glass on the 2011 and earlier iMacs) work well too. Place one in each top corner, while the Mac is lying face up on a table, and gently pull and it will separate the display from the main body. You might need to do a little more slicing around the edges if you did not get all the way through the first time with the roller. Then you can lift the display up at an angle to disconnect the cables.

    Peter Hillman - Antwort

    This was a great idea, worked well for me. Thanks!

    Florin -

  11. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 11, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 11, Bild 2 von 2
    • Drehe die Plastikkarte leicht, um den Abstand zwischen Display und Rahmen zu vergrößern.

    • Bewege die Karte vorsichtig und langsam, und beanspruche das DIsplayglas nicht übermäßig. Eine Lücke von einem halben Zentimeter ist ausreichend.

  12. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 12, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 12, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 12, Bild 3 von 3
    • Schiebe die Karte in Richtung der Mitte des Displays, um den Rest des Klebers an der oberen rechten Ecke durchzutrennen.

    • Höre vor der iSight Kamera auf, den Kleber durchzutrennen. Ansonsten besteht die Gefahr, sie zu beschädigen.

  13. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 13, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 13, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schiebe die Karte wieder in die obere rechte Ecke und lasse sie dort stecken, um zu verhindern, dass der Kleber das Display wieder festklebt.

  14. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 14, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 14, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 14, Bild 3 von 3
    • Schiebe eine zweite Karte in den Spalt zwischen Display und Rahmen an der oberen linken Ecke des iMacs.

  15. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 15, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 15, Bild 2 von 2
    • Drehe die Karte vorsichtig nach oben, um den Abstand zwischen Display und Rahmen leicht zu vergrößern.

    • Genau wie an der anderen Seite, bewege die Karte nur langsam, damit der Kleber genügend Zeit hat, um sich zu lösen, und das Displayglas nicht überbeansprucht wird.

  16. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 16, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 16, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 16, Bild 3 von 3
    • Schiebe die Plastikkarte in Richtung Mitte und höre wieder vor der iSight Kamera auf.

  17. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 17, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 17, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schiebe die Karte wieder an die obere, linke Ecke.

  18. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 18, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 18, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 18, Bild 3 von 3
    • Schiebe beide Plastikkarten zwischen Display und Gehäuse und fange an, sie leicht zu drehen, um den Abstand zwischen Gehäuse und Display zu vergrößern.

    • Wenn Teile des Displays sich nicht zu lösen scheinen, höre auf zu drehen und nimm eine der Karten, um in diesen Bereichen den Kleber ein weiteres Mal durchzutrennen.

    • Beginne, die obere Seite des Displays vom Rahmen hochzuheben.

    • Hebe das Display nur einige Zentimeter an. Es ist immer noch durch das Display-Datenkabel und das Stromversorgungskabel mit dem Logic Board des iMacs verbunden.

    Ne forcez surtout pas et soulevez l’écran par les deux extrémités ! Il faut que tous les adhésifs soient bien découpés pour que l’écran se dégage du boitier sans effort. Toute torsion de l’écran peut entraîner une superbe fissure sur le verre :-/

    mf - Antwort

  19. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 19, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 19, Bild 2 von 2
    • Während du das Display mit einer Hand nach oben hältst, trenne mit der anderen Hand das Stromkabel des Displays. Achte darauf, dass du das Kabel nur an der Plastiklasche herausziehst, und nicht an den farbigen Drähten.

    • Hebe den Display nur so weit an, dass du genug Platz hast, um an den Anschluss zu kommen, jedoch nicht so weit, dass du das Kabel dehnst und den Anschluss beanspruchst (~20cm).

    As seen in photo:

    bottom cable pulls up

    top cable cable pulls right, after safety clip opened

    airshack - Antwort

  20. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 20, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 20, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 20, Bild 3 von 3
    • Klappe die Metalllasche am Anschluss des Display-Datenkabels mit einem Spudger hoch.

    • Ziehe das Display-Datenkabel vorsichtig aus seinem Sockel auf dem Logic Board.

    • Achte darauf, dass du das Display-Datenkabel gerade aus dem Sockel herausziehst.

  21. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 21, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 21, Bild 2 von 2
    • Hebe den Bildschirm an, bis er fast senkrecht ist.

    • Es gibt immer noch einen Klebestreifen an der unteren Kante des Bildschirms, der den Bildschirm wie eine Art Scharnier mit dem Gehäuse verbindet. Klappe den Bildschirm einige Male auf und zu, um den Kleber zu lösen.

    There are pull tabs at each side off the bottom edge to allow easy release of the tape

    DarrenG - Antwort

    DarrenG’s observation about the pull tabs saved me a ton of time trying to pry the display as per the original instructions. Thanks!

    lesfam5 - Antwort

  22. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 22, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 22, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 22, Bild 3 von 3
    • Berühre keinesfalls die Leitungen oder Lötstellen der Kondensatoren auf der Rückseite des Netzteils. (rot markiert)

    • Fasse die kleine Lasche am Ende einer der Klebestreifen an der Unterkante des Displays, ziehe sie zur Oberkante des iMacs hin und entferne sie.

    • Wiederhole das Ganze für den anderen Klebestreifen.

    • Wenn einer der beiden Klebestreifen abreißt, bevor er ganz entfernt werden kann, dann trenne den restlichen Kleber mit einer Plastikkarte auf

    The roller tool for slicing open the display works great for this step. Get in there like using the card and roll across the bottom to slice through the remaining adhesive.

    Peter Hillman - Antwort

  23. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 23, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 23, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 23, Bild 3 von 3
    • Hebe den Bildschirm nach oben aus dem Rahmen heraus und entferne ihn aus dem iMac .

    • Möglicherweise musst du an einer Seite den Bildschirm anheben, damit sich der Rest des Klebebandes ablösen lässt.

    • Sei vorsichtig bei der Handhabung des Bildschirms. Er ist groß, schwer und aus Glas.

    • Klebe beim Zusammenbau das Display mit Hilfe unserer Display-Klebeanleitung wieder fest.

    After removing the display, I also removed the 3 screws for the processor fan, disconnected the power connector for it and set the fan shroud aside. Disconnecting the remaining cable (similar style to 1 of the cables for the display) that is in the way of the RAM chips is all that's left to do. I was then able to access and quickly remove the two Apple-provided RAM chips, and replace them with 3rd party RAM. Turning the iMac on its side, so that it's in a position where you're physically putting the RAM chips DOWNWARD into their respective slots is the best way to go about uninstalling and reinstalling the chips. Using a narrow but long'ish plastic spudger tool is the best way to defeat the spring-tabs which hold the RAM chips in place. After removing the LCD display, changing the RAM is about a 10 minute process!! And I'd SURE prefer not to remove all the parts and risk damage to the iMac via the standard procedure listed. As per usual, take your time and work gently :-)

    Mitch K - Antwort

    Teardown the whole machine just to change RAM? While preparing to comment on this procedure I just noticed the comment made by Mitch K above. I ran pretty much the same procedure that he describes this afternoon (steps 1-23, 43-45, and step 55). Then I swapped out the original 2x4GB RAM chips for 2x8GB chips by reaching behind the logic board, releasing the spring retaining clips one chip at a time (starting with the chip further away from the logic board), pivoting the RAM towards the back of the machine, and then carefully sliding it out of the slot. I easily slid in the new chips and then pivoted them to lock them down. No hassle, no time lost. As Mitch K states above, not only is this “shortcut” method much quicker and easier, but it provides less risk of damaging cables, sockets and other delicate components during a total teardown. Why mess with the power supply board just to change RAM? I do not advise to follow the current iFixit.com procedure written by Sam Lionheart, regardless of user skill-level.

    nycsandor - Antwort

    THAT sounds one !&&* of a lot easier than the full tear down. I wonder if there’s a video of the process described by Mitch K? Adding that to these verbal instructions would really help relieve the apprehension and anxiety around the process! I do sometimes find the additional warnings, though appreciated from a “safety first” perspective, are somewhat overstated. It’s been a very long time since I shorted out RAM, or fried a PCB, or broke a connector, regardless of how finicky, fragile or awkwardly designed and positioned. I may have WANTED to break something, and the air might be blue for a few seconds, but inevitably, things go back together, the start button gets pressed, the startup chime sounds, and we’re in business. Practice DOES make as close to perfect we are likely to get.

    bruce - Antwort

    Mitch has the exact method that works a treat. You don’t need to follow steps 24-37 and also 40-63. Step 51 is the step to remove the camera cable and is needed. Steps 38 and 39 are for the Fan. That is all that is needed. Done quite a few like this.

    Be careful not to drop the RAM down the back of the logic board!

    By NOT removing all the other stuff you can avoid either damaging it or forgetting to plug in a cable.

    Charlie Nancarrow - Antwort

    I just trued this shortcut and it was not successful. I was not able to seat both RAM chips with this shortcut, and managed to slightly damage one of the retainer clips. I simply could not manipulate the chips into and out of the slots effectively without taking everything apart as described in the full set of steps.. I ended up retracing my steps and following the entire procedure, carefully, and that worked without incident. So, bottomline, it is definitely more work to follow all the steps but from my experience, it is decidedly safer. Your mileage may, of course, vary. It was successful in the end, and I swapped out the hard drive with an ssd during the same procedure and my machine is very, very much faster.

    jan - Antwort

    I have completed by following the Mitch K post and it is much easier than stripping down the whole thing, just be aware that to remove and replace the ram chips means working in a tight space, you need slim fingers and don’t be tempted to use force, take your time.

    Barrie Price - Antwort

    Well, I have slim fingers, but they are 60 years old, and they don’t work like they used to! LOL.

    Jan Hogle -

    Agree with Mitch K’s procedure. The only added tip I would throw in is to use two 45 degree tweezers with their plastic covers still installed to easily pop loose the RAM. I couldn’t get the plastic spudger tool to work myself, but the tweezers easily reach the RAM clips. Just make sure the plastic covers are installed and you won’t be in danger of scratching or shorting anything out.

    charlesnick - Antwort

    So thankful I discovered these comments. Saved me a TON of time! Thank you!!

    Adam Roberts - Antwort

    These comments were very useful. Thank you. I just needed to modify a pair of tweezers to allow me to seat the new RAM more easily. The ifixit screwdriver wasn't able to turn some of the screws as they were installed too tightly, and I didn't want to wait to order and reveive a pair of right angled Torx screwdrivers that would give me more leverage to get those boards off.

    Upgrader - Antwort

  24. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Untere Auflagestütze: Schritt 24, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Untere Auflagestütze: Schritt 24, Bild 2 von 2
    • Entferne folgende fünf Kreuzschlitzschrauben, welche die untere Auflagestütze befestigen:

    • Vier 3,2 mm Schrauben

    • Eine 1,7 mm Schraube

    • Du musst eventuell den Displayklebestreifen an der Unterkante des iMac Gehäuses abziehen, um an die Schrauben zu gelangen.

    I would recommend that those trying this have the project tray to contain all of the screws.

    Mikkif - Antwort

    2 notes for reassembly, carful with screws not to strip the heads as they are really really small, make note to cut a gap in the the adhesive over the whole for the microphone.

    I managed to strip the head of one of the screws when putting it back in. So be carful with them when putting in / taking out. If you strip it on the way out you will need to take a fine drill and rill it out. Going back in, well as long as you never need to strip it down again not a problem.

    The second problem is a real pain, you need to make sure to cut a gap in the adhesive just to the right of Center at the button to allow for the microphone opening. If you don’t, the adhesive tape will stop any real pick up on the Mic, so you just need to cut a small gap in it before putting on the screen. Unfortunately I didn’t find this out (or do my checked before sticking it all back down, so have to pull screen back off and reapply new adhesive with a cut out in it at an other time.

    Andrew Taylor - Antwort

    Refer her for more info on the mic / adhesive work around —> Muffled Microphone - iMac 21.5" (mid 2017) - Following Adhesive Strips

    Andrew Taylor - Antwort

  25. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 25, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die untere Auflagestütze (auch "Kinnriemen" genannt) vom Gehäuse des iMacs.

    Keep this long, aluminium part very straight when pulling it away or you might bend it

    Froggy Manny - Antwort

    que pasa si no coloca esta pieza?

    CARLOS - Antwort

  26. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Festplattenhalterungen: Schritt 26, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne folgende Torx T10 Schrauben welche die Festplattenhalterungen am iMac befestigen:

    • Zwei 21 mm Schrauben

    • Eine 9 mm Schraube

    • Eine 27 mm Schraube

    At step 26, when reassembling, it's super easy to over-tighten the 9mm screw and strip the brass ferrule out of its hole in the plastic bracket (%#*@).

    roberttrevellyan - Antwort

    Mine has 4 different length screws, the two red colored 21mm screws in this guide are actually two differ lengths

    anonymous 523 - Antwort

    Mi imac does not have a HDrive whats the steps to follow?

    Charlie - Antwort

    buongiorno, l'imac del 2019, non monta alcuna ssd, ma monta una m2 direttamente sulla scheda madre!

    pertanto nella guida andrebbe aggiunto il cavo sata con sensore temperatura da aggiungere sulla scheda madre, per poter collegare un nuovo hd ssd altrimenti rimarrete come me bloccati con un imac aperto e non assemblato, in attesa di ricevere il cavo acquistato su internet da amazon o terze parti.

    vi consiglio inoltre di aggiungere una foto reale del ò'imac 2019 nella guida in cui manca l'ssd, renderà subito la problematica che avranno in molti!

    Donato Altomare - Antwort

    Hi, mine doesn’t HAVE an HD/SSD to remove, the bay is empty (yes it was fully working yesterday. So what do we do ? I see someone else with the sane issue above….

    Jeroen Speak - Antwort

  27. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 27, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 27, Bild 2 von 2
    • Entferne die linke und die rechte Festplattenhalterung vom iMac.

  28. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Netzteil: Schritt 28, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Netzteil: Schritt 28, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Netzteil: Schritt 28, Bild 3 von 3
    • Die nächsten Schritte bringen deine Hände in die Nähe der offenen Oberfläche der Netzteilplatine. Fasse diese und die offenen Lötstellen nicht an , um einen Stromschlag von den vielen großen Kondensatoren auf der Platine zu vermeiden.

    • Drücke mit der Spudgerspitze abwechselnd auf jeder Seite des Steckers am Kabel zum Netzschalter und lasse ihn langsam aus dem Sockel "herauswandern".

    I would advise that before removing the PSU unit and all other components from the bottom of the case that you remove the 5 screws at the bottom of the display which hold an insulation strip in place.

    The guide shows this piece removed, but does not tell you how to remove it.

    There will be 5, small J1000 screws. The middle one, which goes over Apple Logo is the shorter one of the 5, all others are the same length. Once this piece is gone removing the components is much easier, and chance of damage lessened.

    [deleted] - Antwort

    Added to the guide. Thanks for the tip!

    Jeff Suovanen -

    No need to remove power board and logic board and all other components, just remove the fan and it is quite "easily" accessable to change the RAM. Just need to use the tools to remove the old RAM and carefully install the new RAM.

    I just did it without removing the logic or power board

    Oleksandr Trokhymchuk - Antwort

    could you elaborate a little more, I would love to skip the rest of these steps. How did you accomplish this?

    ej P -

    Oleksandr Trokhymchuk,

    Thank you! You just saved me so much time! I wouldn’t call this “easy” but it saved me a lot of time and effort.

    Joshua Ericson -

    ej P: remove the fan assembly first. Then remove the connector that runs from the iSight camera to the logic board on the left.

    the RAM is located right near that cable. It’s tricky to remove but you can pop open the connectors with a black nylon stick and the RAM chip will pop up at 45 degrees. Make a mental note on which way you will need to install the new ram as it’s tough to see. For the Crucial memory I got it was label side facing away you (facing towards rear metal enclosure).

    the second chip has a plastic adhesive piece on it that you should probably attach to the new ram.

    remove both chips then install the new ram in sequence from the board out.

    Wizdom On Wheels - Antwort

    In the photo for Step 28, the power button cable connector is placed around the power board screw hole on the top left of the power board.

    However, on the iMac I upgraded, the power button cable connector was “fed” through the power power screw hole on the top left of the power board. The cable was too short to run around and below the hole.

    Hence, I had to ensure the cable was “fed” through the hole during re-assembly and the screw carefully screwed back through the hole.

    I guess every iMac is assembly just a bit differently, just to make repairs that much more fun.

    Tim Telcik - Antwort

    This is not correct and may have been assembled incorrectly during a previous repair.

    Charlie Nancarrow -

    Just replaced the hard drive and RAM with SSD and 16GB respectively and did NOT remove the power supply or logic board. Tricky is a word to describe putting the RAM in without removing the logic board. You work in the dark with little room to get your fingers in between the logic board and the back of the case. I put the first RAM chip in without a problem (the one next to the logic board), but the second to four tries and dropped it behind the logic board three times before finally getting it to position correctly. Just impossible to see and must work but feel. Still it was faster than removing all the components… though did remove the fan (needed cleaning anyway). All in all I can’t say enough about the help the guide was through the upgrade ! Thanks !

    Ray Burgard - Antwort

    I found this connector to be very tight and was afraid of breaking it off. I just kept slowly working on it—it did eventually come out.

    I did try to sneak the RAM in without removing the logic board but my fingers were too big. I found it too difficult and just continued on with this guide.

    Mikkif - Antwort

    I was not able to install the memory without removing all the components. My fingers are too big and I could barely get in that tight spot to swap out the memory. The hardest part about the power supply is that one connector under the chin next to the Apple logo. Once it is out, you are home free because it is so easy to plug it back in when you are putting it all back together again. Ridiculous that Apple did not put a simple access door behind those memory slots because they are on the backside of the Mac! They did an access door on the PowerBooks and it did not ruin the appearance. They could have designed a cool looking pop out door that only had a thin seam around it so it would still look good. Then you could remove the access door to upgrade the memory easily.

    Peter Hillman - Antwort

    Does anyone know if this is the same situation as in the 2017 model? I just changed RAM in the 2017 version and also skipped taking out the logic board. I just bent a pair of tweezers and put some tape around the tips to make them less scratchy and used them to place the RAM modules into the slots. Worked supereasy and much much quicker than performing the complete tear down of the whole machine.

    Nils Witte - Antwort

    This step is impossible!

    Cecily Walker - Antwort

    @wizdomonwheels, I don’t see how I can get the RAM shield off of the logic board to access the RAM without removing the logic board. What am I missing?? I’m guessing that those of you that are suggesting this technique are working on older iMac models that don’t have the RAM shield.

    jiclark - Antwort

    Yes, you are correct. It is likely the various steps are a bit different on each model. If I recall I was likely working on a 2015 or older system. If there’s a shield in the way, I can’t think of a way you could get around it without pulling the logic board.

    Wizdom On Wheels -

  29. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 29, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 29, Bild 2 von 2
    • Drücke vorsichtig mit der Spudgerspitze abwechselnd an jeder Seite des Steckers der Netzteilsteuerung, um ihn aus seinem Sockel "herauswandern" zu lassen.

  30. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 30, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die beiden 7,2 mm Torx T10 Schrauben, welche das Netzteil am Rückgehäuse befestigen.

    • In neueren iMac Modellen sind dies 7,2 mm Torx T8 Schrauben.

    • Achte beim Zusammenbau darauf, dass sich das Kabel zur Einschalttaste nicht hinter der Leiterplatte verfängt.

    In my case, the left side corner of the PS was caught against the Lower Support Bracket, and I had to remove the LSB in order to get the PS freed and out.

    I think the author Walter Galan should put this in the main section of his instructions. I have TWO identical iMac 14,1 / i5 2.7GHz / 21 Inch Late 2013 / Order ME086LL/A. They both required removing the LSB. Thank you very much Walter Galan & others for your contributions.

    Ted Horodynsky - Antwort

    Those screws were definitely not T10 but T9 on my unit

    Vincent Monteil - Antwort

    mine too.../

    A. Bakker -

    Those screws were T8 on my unit.

    jag32mobile - Antwort

    c'est du torx 08

    pascal cacou - Antwort

    Before you tighten the screws on the PSU, make sure the ports are properly aligned with the openings on the rear side. After I had finished putting everything back together, I had big problems putting all the plugs back in. Somehow the ports were slightly off center and now I can't use my USB-C connections. Bummer!

    African - Antwort

  31. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 31, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 31, Bild 2 von 2
    • Wenn du am Netzteil arbeitest, musst du sehr vorsichtig sein: berühre keine Kondensatoranschlüsse oder auch Lötstellen auf der Rückseite. Fasse die Platine nur an den Kanten an.

    • Kippe das Netzteil nach vorne.

    When replacing the PSU (on the re-build) take care not to trap the power button cable behind it - I did...

    Dave Hallett - Antwort

    When replacing the PSU, make sure the ports are properly aligned with the openings on the rear side. After I had finished putting everything back together, I had big problems putting all the plugs back in. Somehow the ports were slightly off center and now I can't use my USB-C connections. Bummer!

    African - Antwort

  32. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 32, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 32, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 32, Bild 3 von 3
    • Ziehe das Netzteil leicht hoch und aus dem Rückgehäuse heraus.

    • Drehe das Netzteil gegen den Uhrzeigersinn, so dass die rechte Seite etwa 2,5 cm höher als die linke ist.

    In my case, the left side corner of the PS was caught against the Lower Support Bracket, and I had to remove the LSB in order to get the PS freed and out.

    I think the author Walter Galan should put this in the main section of his instructions. I have TWO identical iMac 14,1 / i5 2.7GHz / 21 Inch Late 2013 / Order ME086LL/A. They both required removing the LSB. Thank you very much Walter Galan & others for your contributions.

    Ted Horodynsky - Antwort

  33. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 33, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 33, Bild 2 von 2
    • Schiebe das Netzteil nach rechts um es von den Schraubenpfosten am Rückgehäuse zu befreien.

  34. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 34, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 34, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 34, Bild 3 von 3
    • Rücke das Netzteil nach vorne und entferne es aus seinem Sitz im Rückgehäuse.

    • Versuche noch nicht, das Netzteil ganz vom iMac zu entfernen, es ist immer noch mit dem Logic Board verbunden.

  35. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 35, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 35, Bild 2 von 2
    • Sei ganz vorsichtig und berühre keine Lötstellen oder Kondensatorkabel auf der Rückseite der Versorgungsplatine. Fasse nur die Kanten an.

    • Drehe das obere Teil des Netzteils zu dir, um an den Stecker der Gleichstromversorgung hinter dem Logic Board zu kommen.

    • Drücke die Lasche am Stecker der Gleichstromversorgung zusammen und ziehe ihn gerade aus seinem Sockel auf der Rückseite des Logic Boards.

    when pulled the cable, even slightly, the actual female piece that connects to the logic board came off. am i screwed?

    Racheal Major - Antwort

    Repairing sockets that come off the logic board is possible, but very specialised work. Unless you have a magnifying lamp and the necessary desoldering and soldering skills, it will be difficult but not impossible.

    Charlie Nancarrow - Antwort

    The tab is at the far end of the connector, so you’ll need to reach farther than you might think.

    lkollar - Antwort

    When I pulled the disconnect, I pushed down on the disconnect, instead of pushing down on the tab on the disconnect and bent those pins… tried to straighten the bent pins and two of the pins broke off the logic board. Will I need a new logic board or can I purchase the pins…?

    Ray AA - Antwort

    I could not disconnect this cable without fear of breaking something (as previous posters did). I found that I could skip this and the next step by wrapping the power supply in a couple layers of a small towel (to prevent shorting with any other metal surfaces), and laying the power supply on the aluminum face of the iMac near the Apple logo. This got it out of the way enough to do what I needed on the logic board (changing PRAM battery) after completing removal of the other items in this guide.

    Phil McInnis - Antwort

  36. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 36, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 36, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 36, Bild 3 von 3
    • Es ist wahrscheinlich hilfreich, wenn du für die nächsten Schritte den den iMac mit der Rückseite auf den Tisch legst.

    • Drücke die Raste an der Seite des Steckers des Wechselstromkabels mit dem flachen Ende des Spudgers nach innen.

    • Halte die Raste mit dem Spudger gedrückt, fasse das Wechselstromkabel an und ziehe den Verbinder aus seinem Sockel.

    I didn't disconnect the input cable to the power supply. Because I had the machine lying on its back throughout, I placed it on to the metal bit at the bottom of the machine instead (with a cloth to stop the metal getting scratched). The AC inlet cable was pretty tricky to get un-locked, and the PSU sat on the case fine. It didn't hinder anything else throughout the guide.

    Dave Hallett - Antwort

    I thought from Dave’s comment that I could leave the power supply completely in place, but I was mistaken. In order to remove the hard drive assembly after you remove the center screw in it, you’ll need to at least unscrew it and the HD assembly will slip out. Like Dave said, you don’t need to unplug the AC or PSU, which I left hanging.

    Getting power supply to the logic board unplugged is also tricky without unscrewing the two bottom screws. They didn’t make this part easy.

    delacrj2 - Antwort

    Kleiner Rechtschreibfehler - statt „denac“ muss es wohl „den iMac“ heißen

    Gonzalo - Antwort

    Au ja. Du kannst so was selbst ausbessern. Einfach auf “Übersetzen" gehen und loslegen.

    VauWeh - Antwort

    I would like to thanks Dave Hallett for his tip of not removing the AC inlet connector of the power supply. I simply wrapped the board in bubble wrap and taped to the iMac case, out of the way, thus giving access to the remaining disconnection procedures and preventing the board from scratching to the iMac case. It also made reassembly much simpler.

    Rob Hogan - Antwort

    Yeah, that AC inlet plug was a nasty one to unplug, mainly because I was trying not to bump the solder joints on the PSU. After a few wiggles and pulls while manipulating the spudger tool to release the clip, it finally unplugged. Made it easier by removing the PSU completely so you don’t have to worry about it. Don’t worry, plugging it back in is a breeze!

    Peter Hillman - Antwort

    With the right tool this plug comes out very easily. Forget about your tiny computer tools, go to the garage and grab a regular old needle nose pliers. Grab the clip and the plug at the same time. The plug will come right out.

    Carin Ann Loewen - Antwort

    Carin Ann— The most helpful comment on this procedure. After reading what you wrote I maneuvered the board, grabbed the clip with my left hand (a little awkward because of the cooling enclosure), squeezed the front of the plug, and got it out.

    Glen Kohler - Antwort

    +1 for needle nose pliers!

    Sam - Antwort

  37. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 37, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne das Netzteil vom iMac.

    erreur: retirer "la carte d'alimentation" et non" le disque dur" !!!!!

    Moreau - Antwort

  38. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Lüfter: Schritt 38, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Lüfter: Schritt 38, Bild 2 von 2
    • Ziehe den Lüfterstecker vorsichtig gerade aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

  39. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 39, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die drei 10 mm Torx T10 Schrauben, welche den Lüfter am hinteren Gehäuse befestigen.

    • Die Schraube ganz oben ist am Kopf mit einem Abstandshalter aus Gummi ausgestattet, auf dem das Display aufliegt. Lasse ihn weiterhin an seinem Platz.

    In this photo the hard drive brackets and tray are fully assembled. But, you’ve just dismantled about half of it already in early steps. This photo is apt to confuse you a bit when you’re doing everything in reverse order.

    Timothy Reynolds - Antwort

    Another way to say what Tim said above:

    For reassembly, this picture, showing the hard drive brackets back in place, is misleading. Leave them off still.

    IF, at this stage, you reinstall the hard drive brackets, when you get to the time to reinstall the power supply, you will have to backtrack and take the brackets off.

    Tech Medic - Antwort

  40. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 40, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 40, Bild 2 von 2
    • Entferne den Lüfter vom iMac.

    For reassembly, this picture, showing the hard drive brackets back in place, is misleading. Leave them off still.

    IF, at this stage, you reinstall the hard drive brackets, when you get to the time to reinstall the power supply, you will have to backtrack and take the brackets off.

    Tech Medic - Antwort

  41. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Festplatteneinheit: Schritt 41, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Festplatteneinheit: Schritt 41, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Festplatteneinheit: Schritt 41, Bild 3 von 3
    • Hebe die Festplatte am Rand in der Nähe des Logic Board an und ziehe sie etwas aus ihrem Sitz.

    • Die Festplatte ist noch über die SATA Kabel für Daten und Stromversorgung angeschlossen, versuche also noch nicht sie ganz zu entfernen.

    The newer drives have rubber ends and an adhesive side, be careful removing them if replacing the drive and be sure they are securely pushed back into the holder

    Carl Schultz - Antwort

  42. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 42, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 42, Bild 2 von 2
    • Löse das SATA Combo Kabel für Daten und Stromversorgung, indem du mit dem Spudger vorsichtig seinen großen Plastikverbinder weg von der Festplatte hebelst.

    When reconnecting the SATA cable, there is nothing to make the connector hold still, and it is hard to reach, so it took several tries. I ended up taking off the rubber baby buggy bumpers to get more room, and then jamming them back on after getting the SATA connector snugged up.

    bstaud - Antwort

    If by rubber baby buggy bumper, you mean left speaker, then yes, I agree. Reinstall the hard drive before the left speaker.

    jerrid_foiles -

    Kudo to @jerrid_foiles! I was going crazy trying to attach the SATA cable until I took the two screws out of the left speaker and slid the top end of it aside by about 3/4 inch. Make the whole process SO MUCH easier!!

    jiclark - Antwort

    We solved this by removing the hard drive tray screw, then inserting the cable into the SATA hard drive. Then hold the hard drive a bit out of the way to insert the 7.3mm hard drive tray screw.

    Marjie - Antwort

    Agree with this method, found it an impossible task to reconnect the SATA connector until removed the tray screw, then it was relatively easy to reconnect and then replace the tray screw.

    daveedwards -

    Also agree with this method!

    jmorphett5 -

  43. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 43, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die Festplatteneinheit vom iMac.

    When reassembling, I found it easier to loosen the HD tray screw from Step 48 and pull the tray outwards from the left side in order to plug the SATA cable in more easily.

    Cool_Breeze - Antwort

    Thanks! I, too, had a hard time reconnecting the SATA cable.

    boboswell -

    I found this helpful too!

    Anwar -

    And DON’T do what I did, which is to remove the left speaker - which can easily lead to breaking the cable between the power on button and the power supply. The cable is routed through a hidden slot at the very bottom of the left speaker

    bsmith1 - Antwort

    I did loosen the speaker so I could get a tool behind the SATA cable to push it on to the SSD drive. Otherwise hard to align cable.

    Noah Ralston - Antwort

    I found the easiest way to connect the SATA cable was to not screw the plastic hard drive tray down until you plug the drive in. That way you can easily push the connector in and due to the cable you’ve got some wiggle room. You can position the tray then just lift one end of the drive up and secure the screw. Then just push the drive down.

    Chris Caldwell - Antwort

    This was the step that I had the most trouble with. I’m used to replacing a hard drive in a MacBook Pro, where the “plug” that you plug the drive into is a rigid thing that you can firmly press the hard drive into.

    With the iMac, the plug is situated on the end of a non-rigid cord, so the plug moves back when you try to snap a drive into it. Also, those two rubber gasket things that you adhere to the side of the drive really make it difficult to maneuver the now-overly-chubby drive towards the plug.

    After must frustration/concern, what I ended up doing was temporarily removing the rubber gasket things, using the “spudger” as kind of a lever behind the “plug on a cord” so that it didn’t move as much, and then pushed the gasket-less SSD into the plug.

    Once I got it connected, I put the rubber gaskets back on the sides of the SSD and kind of coaxed it down into place, using the pointy end of the spudger to get the chubby corner pieces to “sit” correctly in the rigid plastic tray that the SSD kind of rests in.

    Jack OnFlickr - Antwort

    From another comment elsewhere on this repair, I *highly* recommend removing the two screws holding the left speaker in place, then sliding it just a tad out of the way to be able to easily attach the SATA cable. You don’t have to move it much to make the whole process so much easier!

    jiclark - Antwort

  44. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, Festplatteneinschub: Schritt 44, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die 7,3 mm Torx T8 Schraube, welche den Festplatteneinschub am Rückgehäuse befestigt.

    it`s a t10 screw..! ;)

    happymac venezuela - Antwort

    I found it easier to connect SATA cable before fixing tray.

    Mārtiņš Jansons - Antwort

  45. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 45, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne den Festplatteneinschub.

    I am following these procedures for the following: iMac Retina 4K - 21.5" - 3GHz Quad Core - Radeon Pro 555 2GB - 4GB/4GB (8GB total - 2 slots) 2400MHz DDR4 SO-DIMM - Mid 2017 - Model: MNDY2LL/A - iMac18,2 - A1418 - 3069. In my case, the SATA cable is clipped into the bottom of the hard drive tray. Pull the hard drive tray up slightly and angle to reveal clips. SATA cable pops out from the side of each clip.

    iannai29 - Antwort

    Better yet, after reading Step 49 - no need to remove SATA cable from the bottom of the hard drive tray.

    iannai29 - Antwort

  46. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, RAM: Schritt 46, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen, RAM: Schritt 46, Bild 2 von 2
    • Ziehe den Stecker zum rechten Lautsprecher vorsichtig gerade herunter und aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

    Please, please, please…Please! Make sure you fix this cable somewhere where you can get to it when you put the mother board back in. it is a pain to screw it down and realize that it’s under the motherboard. Learn from my pain.

    LeBarron Durant - Antwort

    I did not learn from your pain @lebarron durant, but I’m going to read every single comment next time!!

    carsonmkulp - Antwort

  47. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 47, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 47, Bild 2 von 2
    • Ziehe das Kabel zum linken Lautsprecher gerade aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

    I had to pinch the 2 sides of the left speaker cable while pulling down. I didn’t have to do this with the right speaker it came out with no problem. The left was a little tougher, but you have more clearance and can use your fingers on the left speaker cable.

    LeBarron Durant - Antwort

  48. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 48, Bild 1 von 1
    • Hole das Kabel zum linken Lautsprecher aus der Klammer auf der Rückseite des Rückgehäuses.

  49. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 49, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 49, Bild 2 von 2
    • Hole das Kabelgeflecht aus SATA- und Versorgungskabeln ähnlich wie beim vorigen Schritt aus der Klammer heraus.

  50. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 50, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 50, Bild 2 von 2
    • Löse das Stückchen Klebeband ab, welches den Stecker zum linken Lautsprecher mit dem SATA Netz- und Datenkabeln verbindet.

  51. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 51, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 51, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 51, Bild 3 von 3
    • Klappe den metallenen Sicherungsbügel am Stecker zur FaceTime Kamera hoch.

    • Ziehe das Kabel zur FaceTime Kamera gerade aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

    • Dies ist ein empfindlicher Stecker, der leicht beschädigt werden kann.

  52. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 52, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die beiden 4,0 mm Torx T5 Schrauben, welche die vier Antennenstecker auf der AirPort/Bluetooth Karte sichern.

    Soyez minutieux et prudent concernant ces deux vis de la carte AirPort/Bluetooth! La tête de vis de droite pour libérer les 2 connecteurs a foirée pour moi! Elle était très serrée et j'ai du forcer... J'avais pourtant le bon tournevis... Impossible donc de la dévisser (mon tournevis n'accrochait plus la vis)... La solution était de sortir délicatement la carte AirPort/Bluetooth de la carte mère (en dévissant les deux autres vis qui la maintenait à la carte mère et aussi en décollant un peu les scotchs noirs qui maintiennent les connecteurs pour avoir un peu de marge) et ensuite en la tirant de son logement vers le haut. J'ai pu ensuite sortir délicatement la carte mère en faisant attention à la carte AirPort/Bluetooth que j'avais remonté sur le bord de l'écran! Ouf! J'aurais pu me retrouver coincée à ce niveau! (après cette frayeur, pour le reste tout s'est bien passé).

    LIN-WEE-KUAN - Antwort

  53. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 53, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 53, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 53, Bild 3 von 3
    • Löse alle vier Antennenstecker, indem du sie gerade hoch aus ihren Anschlüssen auf der AirPort/Bluetooth Karte hebelst.

  54. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 54, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 54, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 54, Bild 3 von 3
    • Hebele den Stecker am Kabel zur Kopfhörerbuchse mit dem flachen Ende des Spudgers aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

    • Dieser Stecker befindet sich an der unteren rechten Kante des Logic Boards, nahe dem rechten Lautsprecher.

    • Schiebe das Kabel hoch und aus dem Weg für das Logic Board.

  55. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 55, Bild 1 von 1
    • Löse das Klebeband vom Lüfterkanal ab.

  56. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 56, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne folgende vier Torx T8 Schrauben, welche den Lüfterkanal am Rückgehäuse befestigen:

    • Zwei 6,2 mm Schrauben

    • Zwei 4,7 mm Schrauben

    At least in the 2017 iMac both of the red screws are missing – removing the orange ones was enough.

    Jonathan Rudow - Antwort

    UGH! you have to have a torx screw driver long enough to hit the screw on the bottom right corner where it goes through the motherboard. Just good luck that I had a coworker that had one!!!

    Sam Fung - Antwort

  57. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 57, Bild 1 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 57, Bild 2 von 3 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 57, Bild 3 von 3
    • Klappe den Sicherungsbügel am ZIF Verbinder des Mikrofonkabels hoch und ziehe das Kabel aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.

    • Das Mikrofonkabel ist empfindlich, sei also vorsichtig und beschädige es nicht in einem der nachfolgenden Schritte. Wenn es nötig ist, dann klebe es behutsam auf die Vorderseite des iMac Gehäuses, damit es nicht mehr im Weg ist und beschädigt werden kann.

    My microphone stopped working after I put everything back together very very carefully. I am unsure whether or not I inserted the cable back incorrectly or damaged the cable. I did not find out the mic stopped working until I put everything back together and installed the operating system, so BE EXTRA CAREFUL with the cable! Hope this helps someone!!!

    Sam Fung - Antwort

  58. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 58, Bild 1 von 1
    • Entferne die vier 7,3 mm Torx T8 Schrauben, welche das Logic Board am Rückgehäuse befestigen.

    On the iMac I’m upgrading right now, the bottom left screw in this picture had a black adhesive sticker over the screw. It was round and the size of the screw head, but it blocked you from getting a driver into it. I had to peel it off.

    John M - Antwort

    When reassembling the computer, I suggest trying cables in the Ethernet and/or USB ports to make sure the motherboard is aligned before tightening down the screws.

    otaku2 - Antwort

  59. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 59, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 59, Bild 2 von 2
    • Kippe das Oberteil des Logic Boards weg vom Rückgehäuse.

    As the motherboard is left on the first picture, shouldn't it be at the second place ?

    Emmanuel - Antwort

  60. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 60, Bild 1 von 1
    • Du musst beim Ein- und Ausbau des Logic Boards aufpassen, dass du das empfindliche Flachbandkabel zum Mikrofon unten links nicht beschädigst.

    • Hebe das Logic Board gerade heraus und entferne es vom iMac.

    • Achte darauf, dass die Platine sich nicht an einem der Schraubenpfosten im Gehäuse verhakt.

    At step 60, when reinstalling the logic board, check to make sure the I/O ports are flush with the back of the case. It’s easy to end up with a small gap, and if you do, you won’t be able to fully insert USB-C connectors.

    roberttrevellyan - Antwort

    I’d like to second this. Screw in the four logic board screws very loosley. Then make sure all the cables are where they should be. Then push the bottom of the board back until you feel it snap into place. Then tighten the four screws. At this point, before going any further, test out all the ports with some plugs to make sure everything goes in nice and easy.

    John M - Antwort

    Especially the USB-C's, these are the most delicate ones...

    Froggy Manny - Antwort

  61. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 61, Bild 1 von 1
    • Fasse die Platine an den Kanten an und drehe das Logic Board herum, so dass du an die beiden RAM Module gelangst.

    What is the left bottom m.2 terminal?

    Daewon - Antwort

  62. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 62, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 62, Bild 2 von 2
    • Eine Raste auf jeder Seite hält die RAM Module fest. Drücke die Rasten mit den Fingern weg vom RAM Modul.

    • Wenn die Rasten gelöst sind, wird das RAM Modul leicht schräg hochspringen.

  63. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 63, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 63, Bild 2 von 2
    • Hebe das RAM Modul bis zu einem Winkel von etwa 30° an und schiebe es heraus.

    • Fasse das RAM Modul beim Hantieren nur an den äußeren Kanten an. Achte darauf, dass du die goldfarbenen Kontakte an der Unterkante nicht berührst.

    • Um ein neues RAM Modul einzusetzen, musst du es mit dem gleichen Winkel wieder einschieben, bis es bündig sitzt, und dann herunterklappen, bis die Rasten einschnappen.

  64. iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 64, Bild 1 von 2 iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) RAM austauschen: Schritt 64, Bild 2 von 2
    • An der Oberseite des originalen RAM Moduls, das dem Logic Board am nächsten ist, ist ein Wärmeleitpad angebracht ( es zeigt weg vom Logic Board, zwischen den beiden DIMMs)

    • Löse das Wärmeleitpad vom alte RAM Riegel ab und bringe es am neuen Riegel an, bevor du ihn in den unteren Einschub einsetzt.

    Wird das Display beim späteren Zusammenbau nicht frisch verklebt? Beispielsweise mit Klebestreifen?

    f.ferlemann - Antwort


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Evan Noronha

Mitglied seit: 02/05/15

226.084 Reputation

168 Anleitungen geschrieben

80 Kommentare

An excellent guide - many thanks. The logic board was tricksy to get out - the card reader was jamming on the casing, but it came out with care. It's easy to trap the microphone cable and the power button cables when re-assembling, so they're worth looking out for. Successfully replaced the RAM and installed an SSD at the same time - many thanks.

Dave Hallett - Antwort

Can a SSD or fusion drive be put in the place where the normal hard drive was?

Cory Vinyard - Antwort

An ssd can yes - that's what I did at the same time as upgrading the ram. As long as it's a 2.5" ssd it should be fine. The Samsung ssd I used was a but thinner than the hard drive that came out but that doesn't affect anything really. You'll need to either have a bootable clone of your drive, or install Sierra from a USB stick you've already prepared (which is what I did).

Dave Hallett -

A Fusion drive is the terminology used by Apple when the use a board soldered 120ish Gb storage and a standard 1Tb 2.5 inch drive, and bind them together, if you throw in a 1Tb SSD in place of the existing standard hard drive you end up with 2 drives when you begin installation, you can find the instructions to merge the onboard and the new SSD back together again, and boy does it transform these machines, absolute pig with a factory fusion setup.

Grant Taylor -

I also upgraded my hard-drive to a 512 GB Samsung SSD successfully along with installing the 32 GB of RAM. The guide was great, but I have a two comments.

1) The screws that hold the antenna connectors (Step 52) are were very tightly screwed into the board, and it is easy to strip the head of the screw. I stripped one of the screws… Luckily, it was easy to just pull up on the bluetooth/AirPort card and slide it out from its slot on the main board. Thus, an option to removing all the antenna wires, is to just pull the bluetooth/Airport card out. It was quite easy to slip back into the correct spot when reassembling as well.

2) It was only after I completed the repair that I realized that the top of the nice screwdriver provided in the repair kit contained more hidden bits!

Brad Doble - Antwort

To reassemble, do you need to buy new adhesive or can you reuse what’s there?

Abish Thomas - Antwort

You have to buy replacement tape. It is a double sided foam tape that won’t hold again. Many times it rips apart a bit during disassembly.

Geoffrey Ricks -

Guys I can’t find the replacement tape anywhere online, what am I missing, I don’t want a whole repair kit, just the tape. Thanks.

Paul Elliott - Antwort

Take a look under Parts at the top of this page.

roberttrevellyan -

Just select part only, instead of the kit option [verlinktes Produkt fehlt oder ist deaktiviert: IF173-005-2]

Sam Goldheart -

Hi there! Is there a possibility to add a second hard drive in this iMac? Thank you.

FanMac - Antwort

There’s one SATA port, but no other options to connect a second hard drive as far as I can tell. You can connect an external hard drive, but I think that’s about it.

Adam O'Camb -

I’ve done a lot of testing with this. Get yourself a USB SSD that is USB3.1 second generation. You’ll know it’s correct because it’ll have the USB C connector ON the external casing itself. Or get a USBC 3.1 second generation SATA Dock. you can put ssd’s in that. when you connect a USBC to the thunderbolt 3 connection on the back of the iMac, you’ll get transfer speeds just as fast or close to that of SATA internal anyway.

This is the parts list i used to get 450-500mb read/write via external:

http://a.co/gTIoPc3 <— ssd external

http://a.co/8KkCiZv <— 6" inch USBC cable.

http://a.co/7lr5lgw <— sticky velcro to keep the external SSD attached to the back of the imac, keeping it discreet and hidden.

Longer USBC cables may (or may not. There’s no need for a long cable in this case anyway) degrade potential transfer speed. I’ve heard people use both arguments. Longer cables will and will not slow things down. Keep it short. It’s cleaner and easier to hide anyway!

Benjamin -

http://a.co/aXk2Ttp <— optional alternative to a external SSD hdd. This will house an ‘internal’ hard drive.

Benjamin -

The intel CPU reports it’s capable of 64gb of ram. Are we limited to 32gb because of only 2 ram slots? has anyone tried two 32gb chips?

Benjamin - Antwort

The warranty sticker for the RAM in the kit provided by iFixit challenged my ability to put the thermal padding in the right place, because it went over the sticker. I was worried that the padding would hurt the sticker and invalidate the warranty.

I took a picture of the RAM installed before putting the padding on for reference.

Robert Avelis - Antwort

On behalf of everyone at iFixit, please feel free to rip those warranty stickers right off—they’re stupid and carry no legal weight whatsoever. Your warranty is good with us, sticker or not. In the meantime, we’re working with our suppliers to get those warranty stickers out of circulation for good.

Jeff Suovanen -

Hi. After i followed your step. Done perfectly

but my thunderbold 3 did not work

any recommendation ?

best regard

Tony Vu - Antwort

Check to make sure the I/O ports are flush with the back of the case. It’s easy to end up with a small gap, and if you do, you won’t be able to fully insert USB-C connectors, and the Thunderbolt ports won’t work.

roberttrevellyan -

Thank you so much guys! The tutorial is amazing. I`m from Brazil (sorry for the bad english) and the Apple computers are so EXPENSIVE here! Because this I just can bought the iMac 4K entry, of 3.0GHz CPU. But for my work, the Mac had some problems and keep very slow sometimes. I looked for the Support of here, and then said the maximum upgradable RAM was just 16GB RAM… Thanx iFixit for sharing this amazing content.

Now I just have two doubts:

- They you shipped to Brazil?

- How I will close the iMac? hahah, doesn`t have this tutorial? Or it`s easy?

ewerton.rodriguess - Antwort

Hi ewerton.rodriguess! Brazil is included in our international shipping list. Once you reach the end of the guide the steps are mostly reversible, so you follow the guide backward. Then once the display is ready to be replaced, follow the note about reapplying adhesive: “After the adhesive is cut, it cannot be used to re-seal the display in place. Follow this guide to replace the adhesive strips that secure the display to the rear enclosure.”

Sam Goldheart -

I just bought this model and am considering doing it myself or having someone else a dealer do it for 240. Can anyone speak about the difficult if pulling cables out, for the most part I’m worried the most about pulling to hard and damaging a cable.

ej P - Antwort

If I remember correctly, I had the most difficulty with the power supply connectors. They require more force than most of the others. The most important thing is to pay close attention to which direction each connector must be pulled to disconnect it. Study the pictures closely and make sure you have the right tool for each step. Having an extra spudger is very handy.

Have you ever done anything like this before? Experience helps a lot because you learn to recognize the different types of connector. This informs not only the direction the cable should be pulled, but which part is the cable and which part is the socket.

If you’re not confident, it might be worth paying for the labor to have someone with experience do the job. If you ruin the logic board, it will cost a lot more than $240 to repair or replace.

roberttrevellyan -

To stick the screen back on, I have used ordinary double sided sellotape on three occasions now without any problems

mar - Antwort


Can i use 8GB Memory which originally came with the machine and also 16GB crucial Memory together. Will the machine work fine or there will be issues in the performance or some other issues like, restarting or shutting down automatically.

Chetan Jain - Antwort

Actually it can be. (I suggest you using the same capacity is better. Because the problem is unknown) But remembe that, the pin and process freq. need to be the same.

阿威Wei -

Does anyone have a suggestion for a fast 1TB internal SSD I could do at the same time I’m adding RAM? The hard drive upgrade kit on ifixit seems generic with no separate link to order the drive (at least that I could fine).

jctracey - Antwort

Lately I’ve been installing Crucial MX500 SSDs and so far, so good.

roberttrevellyan -

would this void a warranty of apple care guys???

eminemshowy - Antwort

Hi, i tried to replace the RAM and install an ssd. After the repair it does not boot. The fan starts, i see led’s 1&2 turn green, but that’s it. No sound from booting and a black screen.

I also tried to start from a external bootable hard drive using the option button, but same result.

Any thoughts?

gr Alex

alexander van Wijngaarden - Antwort

I found it. It put the old RAM and hard disk back. Everything was working fine again. Then replaced the hard disk again for the ssd. Still working fine. Then i replaced the old RAM for the new ones and then i had the same problem. Turned out to be a set of defect RAM memory cards.

alexander van Wijngaarden -

Used this to add RAM and a Samsung SSD into my iMac, using all the tools from iFixit I had absolutely no issues at all. Wonderful and detailed guide on how to really give your iMac a kick. Very impressed by the quality of the tools, the RAM and the wedge to keep it from moving. Was able to start the teardown and then turn the machine back on in a little over an hour, most time consuming part was removing the old tape from the case and backside of the glass to then replace. Extremely satisfied with everything

Christopher Routh - Antwort

Absolutely brilliant guide, as usual. Thank you for your hard work, Evan.

But seriously, folks, am I the only one that thinks this is the absolute stupidest design ever? Sixty-four steps and a nearly complete disassembly to add one stick of RAM…and another 60+ steps to put it all back together again, not to mention having to buy additional parts like the thermal pad and foam mounting tape? Really, Apple? What drug-addled sadist dreamed up this nightmare?

Oh, wait a minute. I almost forgot Apple’s primary obligation is to its stockholders, not its legions of loyal addicts, er, users. This is a prime example of taking something so basic and simple a monkey could do it, blindfolded and in its sleep, and complicating it beyond recognition to generate more revenue for the almighty fruit. Jobs is obviously still controlling the form-over-function mantra from beyond the grave with this latest descent into the depths of absurdity. Great job, design team!

NTCG - Antwort

You don’t need to remove the power supply, harddrive or logic board to do a RAM upgrade on these machines.

Skip steps 24-37.

You just need to remove the fan. With the fan removed, you can access the RAM and its release tabs sufficiently to remove the RAM and install new RAM.

Also skip steps 41-61

The steps 62-64 are useful above to show you exactly whats going on on the logic board, but you really do NOT need to remove the whole board.

It is a little tricker with the limited space, but you are far less likely to damage other parts of the machine if they are not removed.

I suggest putting the iMac vertically on its side (ideally with someone else holding it), so that when inserting the RAM, it stays in the slot as you clip it back into the socket.

This goes from a 2.5hr repair to less than an hour.

Charlie Nancarrow - Antwort

That is correct!!

Just did it that way, took me about 1h to change RAM and HDD.

Thank you for the hint!

Der Sam -

I can confirm that this method works great. Thanks for the tip! I am now using CMSX32GX4M2A2666C18 and MZ-76E1T0B/EU and wow what a diffrence! Like a new machine! Don’t forget to make a bootable stick with Memtest86 to check that the RAM is ok.

Jonas -

Just as I read in these comments from Charlie and a couple others you can indeed change the RAM out with only the screen and then the fan removed, the fan has three T8 and a small connector as in the guide.

with the iMac on a pillow, a head torch and a spudger, out came the old ram, swopped the thermal pad and in went my new crucial RAM.

it’s terribly fiddly but even my old hands managed it.

This on a iMac 18,2 mid 2017 4K 21.5, really pleased saved all the connections being removed. Go slow and rotate the iMac to help and it’s just a case of nudging the RAM into place and lowering back to the clips.

david.waters8 -

Andrew, we just realized we forgot to update this guide with the latest display adhesive installation guide that accounts for that issue! iMac Intel 21,5" Retina 4K Display (2017) Klebestreifen ersetzen I’m so sorry.

Taylor Dixon -

How much RAM works on this iMac? I heard something, that only 2x 8GB (16GB in total) would be possible? Or is 2x 16GB also an Option?

daniel.wernitz - Antwort

You can install 2x 16GB for a total of 32GB.

roberttrevellyan -


J’étais presque contente en tombant sur votre tuto, sauf que je me suis apercue que moi ce n’est pas un Intel, mais un iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017). En fait, normalement, je ne peux pas l’upgrader. Mais pensez vous que je puisse quand même le faire en suivant ce tuto ?

Loris Perrault - Antwort

Excellent guide, but missing the “extra steps” - like when you drop the top right exhaust vent screw into the void, and have to remove everything including the speakers to find it… LOL

I completed this under less than ideal working conditions, but still managed to get it all back together in 2.5 hrs for a first try. Not sure I’d been willing to attempt it without reading this guide, though!

Allen Jackson - Antwort

Je pense qu’il est préférable de configurer son i Mac à l’achat

On comprend mieux le prix de ces machines

votre guide est néanmoins de grande utilité

Gerard Derai - Antwort

Merci pour ce tutoriel qui ma permis de booster mon Imac avec 32 go de RAM.

J’ai pu découvrir que derrière la Roll Roys se cache la misère.

Bien à vous

Philippe Bal-Blanc - Antwort

I have a Mac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017) 3.0 GHz Intel "Core i5" processor (7400). The Apple website says that with such a processor you can install only 16 Gb of RAM maximum, and for 3.4GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) you can install up to 32 Gb. In the comments they ask about how much you can install as much as possible and they are always answered - 32 Gb. Does this mean that the processor model is not important?

Lezhnev - Antwort

Yes, the processor model is not important. The 16GB maximum seems to be an artificial limitation set by Apple for marketing purposes.

roberttrevellyan -

Thanks a lot, roberttrevellyan! Now I can buy 32 Gb RAM with confidence

Lezhnev -

Installed Kingston HyperX Impact [HX424S14IBK2/32] 32Gb. Works great!

Lezhnev -

i have a 2015 4K 21.5 imac, what is the max ram it can be installed ? thanks !

patho.almario - Antwort

This guide was great. I added a few comments under specific steps but my few tips are: (1) Use ifixit’s project tray or magnetic mat to hold all of the screws; (2) it’s an opportunity to upgrade the hard drive at the same time so plan out both by reviewing the hard drive upgrade guide as well; (3) have patience; (4) I spread out across my dining room table and pretty much used most of it so have a big surface area for this!

Mikkif - Antwort

I have just installed the hard disk and memory following the instructions in the guide, and now that I start the iMac, there is nothing. Blank screen!! I can see the lights on the logic board and the heat sink fan is running but nothing else happens. Thinking there is something wrong with the RAM, reinstalled the original RAM, started up, nothing again. I will now try to put the original hard disk in it, and will see how I go. Any suggestions!

ramir amir - Antwort

Excellent guide! I would like to ask if it is possible to leave one 4GB memory module in its place and change the other one to a 8GB module so in total I would have 12GB? Since I will be upgrading my iMac to SSD and I have a spare 8GB RAM module, it would make sense to add that the same time when I take off the screen due to SSD upgrade.

László Vencel Szabó - Antwort

Technically it should work. It’s sub-optimal to have mismatched modules, but more memory that doesn’t match is usually better than less memory that is matched. However, since obtaining another 8GB module is relatively inexpensive, while opening up your iMac is somewhat risky, does it really makes sense to go to all that trouble and only replace one module?

roberttrevellyan -

una excelente guía, muy bien ilustrada y explicada

Javier García Ramos - Antwort

What an amazingly thorough guide. I felt confident as a complete novice who has prior never worked on computers. Thank you so much!

Peyton Baldwin - Antwort

So I was replacing RAM and hard drive and cracked my display. It still worked when reassembled but the crack in the display bothered me and I went to replace it today. Everything went great until I went to test the display…nothing. My old display doesn’t work now either. (One quick note - I took a “B1” out and my new part was an “A1”)

Anyway, the first three LED’s on my logic board are fully lit, 4th is on but very dim, 5th not on at all. Any advice what to check next? Ribbon cable maybe?

Steven Phillips - Antwort

Thanks for the guide. Upgraded a new-to-me iMac to 32GB of memory. While it’s a straight forward procedure, the number of steps adds to the overall potential points to have something go wrong. Install went without a hitch.

Neil - Antwort

Super! muy practico y claro !!

Muchas gracias!!

MAURICIO - Antwort


se tutoriel est t’il le même pour un iMac 21,5 4k Retina 2019 ? il semblerais que se soit les même machines.

merci d’avance.


is this tutorial the same for a 2019 iMac 21.5 4k Retina? it would seem that they are the same machines.

thank you in advance.

Benjamin - Antwort

I have (21.5 inch, mid 2017, 2.3 ghz) base model same as this but not 4k. How much max ram can I install in my iMac??

Narendra Verma - Antwort

According to everymac.com, that model supports up to 16GB of RAM.

roberttrevellyan -

Excellent guide thank you, was going very well until I manged to break the microphone ribbon putting the logic board back in, I am struggling to find what fitting the ribbon goes in to. I have a piece of ribbon (with logic board fitting) on one end with and no sign of the other end and fitting.

Any advice would be welcome.

Chris 08/01/21

Chris Greenhill - Antwort


Je trouve que de donner comme information de 1 à 3 heures le temps de la dépose et du remontage complet , est complément incohérent.

un minimum de 3 heures serait pertinent .


martial wissocq - Antwort

Cuando se coloquen los adhesivos para la pantalla, hay que tener cuidado de no obstruir los orificios del micrófono que se encuentran en el borde inferior a lado del tornillo central, de lo contrario no funcionará.

Alejandro Castañeda Echevarría - Antwort

I have one: Apple iMac 2017 Screen 21.5 "intel Core i5 dual core 2.3 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.6 GHz) 8GB 1 TB Intel Iris Plus, has 02 memory slots, each with 4GB each. memory is: 8 GB 2133 MHz DDR4 integrated memory model: - Part number: MMQA2 (NOT RETINA) It is 2017. This model here: https: //support.apple.com/kb/SP758? location ... Can I install a 1 TB SSD with 32 GB of memory? I see that on the Apple website it says that the maximum I can put is a 256 GB SSD and 16 GB of memory. What do you think?

yagokennedy - Antwort

I think that on apple website they say you the max amount they sell, but tou shouldn’t have any problem upgrading for more, unless they have some hidden software trickery in place…

Daniele Carminati -

2 hours, this was perfect! Upgraded RAM from 8GB to 32GB, and replaced the Fusion drive with a 1TB SSD. Thank you guys!

stevefschaum - Antwort

No menciona que memorias ram son compatibles para la mac

Leonardo Magaña - Antwort

They are standard RAM sticks, so i guess more or less any stick will work

Daniele Carminati -

iMac 2017 - 21 inch and 27 inch both have the same RAM right?

Prashant Balasubramaniam - Antwort

The upgrades offered here on iFixit for the 2017 21.5” and 27” Retina iMacs both have PC4-19200 modules.

roberttrevellyan -

Hey @evan

Thanks for the awesome guide - worked beautifully. Quick question: I just went from 8 Gb to 32 Gb RAM. Is it normal for the iMac to be a bit slower booting up and running at first when upgrading like this? It’s certainly a little slower than before for the time being..

Adam - Antwort

I wasn't aware how complex the internals of my 2017 iMac were. But the hard drive isn't as fast as it once was, so either way I'm finding the ram to order now. The screen scares me the most.

Retrogame Puppy - Antwort

Arrivé au bout, mauvais choix de RAM

GRRRRtout à recommencer

Très bon tuto, patience et minutie indispensables


Myriam & Ronan Mordelet - Antwort

Un excellent tuto.

Nous avons suivi à la lettre et tout réussi bien que nous soyons débutantes.

Nous avons mis plus de temps car au remontage une vis est tombée sous la carte mère. Il a fallu recommencer les étapes que nous venions de faire. Soit plutôt 4h avec les essais.

Pour réussir, quelques conseils :

- prendre son temps et ne pas se précipiter,

- tout noter et poser les vis sur un papier avec le numéro de l’étape

Reste maintenant à savoir si le iMac sera réellement plus rapide !

Un immense merci au(x) rédacteur(s)

Bab - Antwort

Does anyone know where the grommet goes, it’s about 3/8” across and a 1/2” long? It fell out of somewhere during disassembly and I didn’t see where.

Mark - Antwort

Excellent tuto! Merci infiniment Evan Noronha!

Un conseil cependant pour ceux qui se lancent dans l'aventure: prenez le temps de lire les commentaires dans chaque étape! Des conseils sont souvent précieux.

Utilisez de bons outils, soyez prudent et prenez votre temps.

Pour ma part, j'ai eu moi aussi le souci à l'(étape 52) pour une des vis de la carte Airport/Bluetooth trop serrée et qui a foiré... Pour la solution: lisez mon commentaire ou celui de Brad Doble (en anglais) du 7 déc. 2017 sur cette page.

J'ai installé 16 Go de RAM (2X8 Go) et installé un SSD Samsung 870 EVO de 500 Go à la place du HD d'origine. J'ai installé le système macOS 13 Ventura (dernier système compatible avec mon iMac 21,5 de 2017, Intel Core i5). Une nouvelle jeunesse pour mon iMac!

LIN-WEE-KUAN - Antwort

excelente tutorial... Saludos desde Guayaquil-Ecuador

David Molina FIgueroa - Antwort

excelente tutorial... Saludos desde Guayaquil-Ecuador

David Molina FIgueroa - Antwort

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