Drift beim Analog Stick des Xbox One Elite Series 2 Controller reparieren
Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungBewegt sich die Figur, ohne dass der Analog Stick des Elite Series 2 (model 1797) Xbox Controllers bewegt wird? Dann liegt höchstwahrscheinlich ein "analog stick drift" vor.
Für diesen Drift gibt es verschiede Ursachen. Manchmal kann Beschädigung die Ursache sein, zum Beispiel ein Sturz, aber auch durch normale Benutzung und Verschleiß. Glücklicherweise wird der Drift in den meisten Fällen durch Staub und Dreck verursacht.
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Setze ein Hebelwerkzeug in die Spalte an der rechten Seite des Controllers an.
Führe das Werkzeug nach unten, bis der Controller beginnt sich zu öffnen.
Setze ein Öffnungswerkzeug oder Plektrum in den Spalt ein, um zu verhindern, dass sich der Controller wieder verschließt.
Platziere das Hebelwerkzeug in der Naht an der linken Seite des Controllers.
Bewege das Werkzeug, bis der Controller sich öffnet.
Setze das Öffnungswerkzeug oder Plektrum ein, damit sich der Controller nicht wieder verschließt.
Setze das Hebelwerkzeug in die Spalte am oberen Ende des Controllers.
Führe das Werkzeug weiter zur Mitte, bis die obere Hälfte geöffnet ist.
Platziere die Spitze des Strohhalms einer Dose mit Druckluft an den Spalt nahe des Sensors.
Sprühe Druckluft auf den Sensor, bis dieser frei von Staub und Dreck ist.
Setze die obere Abdeckung des Controllers auf die untere.
Drücke beide Hälften zusammen, bis sie einrasten.
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22 Kommentare
Maybe im just too scared to totally ruin/ rip/ snap or otherwise DESTROY this thing or stab myself with a pry tool but it seems like this is WAY harder then the pictures/guide make it out to be. The top face plate is FAR FAR FAR harder to release then the guide says.. Its not like a regular controller AT ALL.. I have cut myself to the point of blood now with the sheer effort of trying to push a pry tool between the seam EXATLY where the picture shows.. It did NOT help at all.
Hey Napster, You are very right. I bought this controller preowned and there are slice marks in the rubber where the person tried to open it and failed. I was able to open with out a terrible amount of difficulty by using the thin metal wedger tool thingy from the ifixit kit while simultaneously holding portions open with the blue triangle. Try pushing the tip of whatever your using to the bottom half of the controller then in a little more and then pry up. (near the b button). If it pops the top half out a little then wedge a placeholder in there then try the other side. Once you get both sides try a little lower near the vibrator then same for the other side and by then it should be easy enough to open with your hands. I struggled heavily the first time but found this was the easiest way. Good luck!
Jake H -
This is such an awesome guide! Fixed my controller drift and a saved me a ton of money in the long run. Thanks so much!
I had issues with numerous parts of this guide.
As others mentioned, opening the case is quite difficult. I found that using the metal Jimmy tool included in the Essential Electronics Toolkit helped to loosen up the right-side seam enough so that the middle of the right-side seam was where I was first able to insert a pick. Once I was finally able to get the whole thing open, I noticed there was a small amount of adhesive which the Jimmy may have helped to slice apart.
I was not able to remove the joystick at all despite being able to rotate it as instructed. I found that I was able to access the sensor for cleaning as described without removing the stick at all. But, on that note, the spudger included in the Essential Electronics Toolkit was too large to open the sensor gap. The smallest flathead bit included in the kit fit perfectly. FWIW, the spudger pictured is not the same one included in the toolkit…