HP Envy dv6-7363cl Fan Replacement
Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungReader will be able to successfully replace their fan assembly in the device. A basic understanding of simple tools such as a screwdriver is needed. Any form of electricity must be removed from device, including the charging cable and battery. Reader will need to be able to gently disassemble almost entire laptop.
Was du brauchst
Flip the laptop back over and carefully pry the keyboard frame out of the device.
Flip device right-side-up and remove ribbon cables from plastic cover beneath keyboard. Remove plastic cover from device.
Turn device onto its back and remove circled screws from Wi-Fi card.
Flip device back over and unscrew disk reader
Remove circled screws from blue circuit board and lift fan assembly out of device.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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2 Kommentare
My laptop is a slightly different model and everything provided by the author is likely accurate for their model. I only mention this to caution that your repair may be slightly different depending on your specific model. Mine was different in a few areas though held mostly true with my dv6t-7000. Cheers!
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