Honeywell HY-254-TGT Fan Blade Replacement
Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungFollow this guide to remove the fan blade to allow for cleaning or replacement.
Was du brauchst
Remove the two 3/4" wing screws on the bottom of the fan by rotating them counter-clockwise.
Twist the fan base counter-clockwise until the pins line up as shown.
Pull the base straight towards you to remove it, feeding the wire through the base.
Remove all of the marked 1/2" Phillips #02 screws on the backside of the fan
Remove the two marked 3/4" Phillips #02 screws in the middle.
Use a plastic opening tool or screwdriver to pry off the back of the fan, starting from the top down.
Unscrew the two 1/2" Phillips #02 screws.
Upon doing so, the front panel of the fan can be leaned forward and set down.
Unscrew the two marked 1/2" Phillips #02 screws on the part holding the fan blade.
Slide the plastic fan cap off the fan while holding the fan blade to ensure it comes off smoothly.
Remove the 1/4" Phillips #02 screw between the fan and the motor, located at the bottom of the fan.
Return back to the top of the fan blade. Lift the fan blade to a slight angle and gently pull it towards you.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
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5 Kommentare
MARK: What is the part number of the long tall round fan blade cylinder filter, so I can order some? I am having GREAT difficulty finding this elusive part ANYWHERE on the good ol’ fashion internet. I have four of these Honeywell HY-254 fans in my home and they all need to have those cylinders replaced. These are GREAT fans, VERY, VERY QUIET and all new models by competitive companies are loud, rickety & poorly made. This version of honetwell, is by far, the BEST! I will stand by to hear from you. Thank you.
my fan rotating but no air. After I cleaned the fan it functioned at level 3 only if I turn to level 2 or 1 the fan rotated but I don't feel any air come out from the fan. do you think the problem comes from the motor? do I have to change the motor?
Thanks for the great repair guide!
I have a Honeywell HY-254E that looks exactly like the model in this guide. However, I have a problem with two of the screws. In my case the two middling screws that hold the backside of the main case and thatare above described as "3/4" Phillips #02 screws" look like Torx screws.
However, I don't have the right driver and I'm unsure which Torx size I need. Does anyone have an idea which Torx size this could be?
Many thanks in advance!