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Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst

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  1. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst, Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 2 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst, Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 1, Bild 2 von 2
    • Trenne bei ausgeschaltetem Gerät alle externen Festplatten und Flash-Laufwerke.

    • Schließe dein macOS High Sierra bootfähiges Flash-Laufwerk an.

    • Halte die Taste [Option] oder [alt] (⌥) auf der Tastatur gedrückt und schalte das Gerät ein.

    • Wenn du den Boot-Auswahlbildschirm wie gezeigt siehst, lasse die Taste [Option] los.

    • Verwende entweder die Pfeiltasten der Tastatur oder die Maus, um "MacOS High Sierra installieren" auszuwählen. Drücke [enter] oder klicke mit der Maus auf deine Auswahl.

    Shouldn’t I first format the ssd drive to APFS using the High Sierra computer?


    Daniel Barth - Antwort

    Hello, You can do it later in the step 4

    Anthony Fassler -

  2. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 2 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 2
    • Dein Mac beginnt nun mit dem Kopieren der Installationsdateien vom Flash-Laufwerk. Dies kann bis zu 30 Minuten dauern.

    • Abhängig von der Geschwindigkeit deines Flash-Laufwerks kann es so aussehen, als wäre der Ablauf eingefroren, aber er sollte wieder aufgenommen werden, wenn du weiter wartest.

    • Wenn du dazu aufgefordert wirst, wähle deine Sprache und drücke [enter], oder klicke auf die Pfeiltaste.

    ¿Este paso es inmediato o tarda mucho?

    Es decir, he elegido mi idioma y se queda pensando mucho tiempo.

    Daniel Trujillo - Antwort

    Bonjour , après avoir choisi mon disque amorçable, j’ai un écran gris clair, logo Apple gris foncé mais aucune barre de progression . Est ce normal ?

    je l’ai laissé tourner environ 45 mn avant de relancer la procédure . Et c’est idem . iMac de 2010 aucun soucis jusqu’à effacement du disque dur et tentative de réinstallation du OS X afin de donner l’ordinateur .

    Elisabeth Buscato - Antwort


    j’ai un problème avec mon iMac bloqué au démarrage avec la pomme.

    j’ai utilisé la méthode dicte avant impossible d’arriver à l’étape 3.

    Merci de votre aide,

    Kader Bouder - Antwort

    First you must open Terminal and change date.

    In Teminal enter: date 1111111117 then <enter>

    Without this installation wont succeed.

    Zeljko Devic - Antwort

  3. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 2 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 2
    • Wenn du deine Festplatte nicht vorkonfigurieren musst, fahre mit Schritt 5 fort. Wenn du sich nicht sicher bist oder das Laufwerk verwendet wird, ist es eine gute Idee, deine Festplatte vorzukonfigurieren.

    • Wähle "Disk Utility" aus dem Menü und drücken [enter] oder klicke auf die Schaltfläche Weiter.

  4. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 3 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 4, Bild 2 von 3 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 4, Bild 3 von 3
    • Wähle deine Festplatte in der linken Spalte des Disk Utility aus.

    • Es ist höchstwahrscheinlich das nicht initialisierte Laufwerk.

    • Wenn du mehrere Festplatten hast, stelle sicher, dass du die richtige auswählst, da der nächste Schritt das ausgewählte Laufwerk löschen wird.

    • Klicke oben im Fenster auf die Schaltfläche Löschen.

    • Wähle einen Namen für dein Laufwerk (du kannst es später umbenennen). Lasse das Format als Mac OS Extended (journaled) und das Schema als GUID Partition Map.

    • Um eine SSD zu verwenden, musst du das Format APFS wählen. Für eine mechanische Festplatte, oder wenn die Festplatte neuere Mac OS-Systeme nicht unterstützt, belasse das Format Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

    • Klicke auf "Löschen". Wenn der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist, klicke auf "Fertig".

    • Beende das Disk Utility, indem du auf das rote X in der linken oberen Ecke des Fensters klickst.

    If, like me, you have already formatted the disk in the Windows operating system, you will probably encounter an error message when trying to select the new disk as the installation destination that warns you that the disk is not "GUID partitioned", and that you should go to erase it with the Disk Utility application.

    The trick here is to go to the DU application, select the "Show all devices" option in the top left drop-down menu and then select the root device for your disk, and not the individual partitions. That is the one that you must delete, and for that root device, the DU application will show you the option to select the “GUID Partition Map” inside the Erase button window.

    Best regards!!

    Explanation with images: https://www.macobserver.com/tips/quick-t...

    Lucas Dasso - Antwort

    Even knowing about that and doing it many many times, i still to this day, often look at the ‘volumes’ and try to erase. Not until I see no partition map options do i realize I'm not showing the drives. I do the classic open palm to forehead smack and mumble something about killing too many brain cells in the 70's a.d 80's. Lol.

    Stu Blair -

    Lucas… thanks for putting this very important info in, I owe you one.

    eggs - Antwort

    I get an error when I try to erase my disk (new SSD). It says that my partition can't mount after erase. Any suggestions?

    Matt Wysong - Antwort

    With an SSD you should choose APFS and not Mac OS Extended!

    Florian Herzog - Antwort

    Thanks for the tip! I’ll add that note in the step.

    Arthur Shi -

    If your MacBook Pro isn’t compatible with the new operating systems (Mojave and later) which use APFS, (such as an early 2011 MBPro) then you should use Mac OS Extended Journaled, or else it won’t let install the OS. If you made the mistake of formatting to APFS, then go back into Disk Utility, select your SSD, and go Edit>Delete APFS, and then select the view option to show you all volumes and erase again to Mac Os Extended.

    Behrad M - Antwort

    Thanks Behrad for the tip! I’ve added the info into the step.

    Arthur Shi -

  5. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 2 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 5, Bild 2 von 2
    • Wähle "macOS neu installieren" aus dem Menü und drücke [enter] oder klicke auf "Weiter".

    Peut on directement utiliser une sauvegarde time machine à cette étape ??

    adrienworkout - Antwort

    I faced one issue after this step.after formatting the partition I can’t install Mac OS.it showing nothing after this step.could you help me

    Prinson Varghese - Antwort

  6. Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 3 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 6, Bild 2 von 3 Wie du Mac OS High Sierra installieren kannst: Schritt 6, Bild 3 von 3
    • Lies die Lizenzvereinbarung.

    • Klicke auf "Zustimmen", um die Lizenzvereinbarung zu akzeptieren.

    • Dein Mac installiert nun macOS High Sierra. Sei geduldig und warte, bis es fertig ist.

    • Sobald die Installation abgeschlossen ist, startet sich das Gerät neu.

    After that part my Mac doesn’t want to start and entered in previous me u.

    mariqn1990 - Antwort


    J’ai effectué toutes les étapes, tout fonctionnait bien alors que l’OS X Yosemite préparait l’installation, message d’erreur qui apparaît : “Impossible de vérifier cette copie de l’application Installer OX Yosemite. Elle peut avoir été endommagé ou altérée au cours de l’installation.”

    J’ai créé la clé USB bootable selon votre autre article, toute les étapes ont été respectées.

    Savez-vous d’ou cela peut venir ?

    Merci beaucoup

    Karine VRN - Antwort

    Hello Karine,

    The problem may be a date problem. Please check the first answer on this page for the fix.

    Good luck!

    Arthur Shi -

    My installation is refused on an APFS format, whereas my disk is a SSD…

    For a Mac OS extended its ok.

    Any idea ?

    Really pitty that APFS feature could not be exploited :(

    jn.pioche - Antwort

    J'ai formaté un SSD Crucial en "APFS" mais ce format est refusé par la suite pas l'installeur de MACOS "High Sierra" ! J'ai voulu le formater en "MacOS étendu" comme demandé, mais le format n'était plus disponible dans le pop-up menu pour effacer dans Utilitaire de Disque... Heureusement en passant par la case "Partitionner" j'ai pu partitionner le disque en 1 partition "MacOS étendu" et l'installation s'est faite sans problème.

    Marcou -

    Beste, bij mij stopt het al bij 'stap 1'. Ik krijg alleen bij gewone opstart een wit scherm te zien met eerst een knipperende wereldbol, daarna knipperende map met vraagteken. Gebruik ik cmd-R, alt of cmd dan krijg ik alleen een wit scherm te zien. Zonder keuzemogelijkheden. Heb zowel een DVD als USB opstart gemaakt van Sierra (de enigste die ik kon downloaden en met windows-pc kon schrijven met Disk Drill of TransMac). Ik zit volledig vast met het toestel. Een 27-inch - medio 2011

    Kris Vanandroye - Antwort


Mac OS X High Sierra sollte jetzt neu installiert sein. Viel Spaß!

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Arthur Shi

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I replace Toshiba MK1231Gal dard disk based on instruction on yutube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...!

the problem is that when I try to install osx, I cant format the disk

I got notice input, output error, when try to make a partition or try anything with disk utility

I own MacBook air 1237

Iztok - Antwort

I replace Toshiba MK1231Gal dard disk based on instruction on yutube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...!

the problem is that when I try to install osx, I cant format the disk

I got notice input, output error, when try to make a partition or try anything with disk utility

I own MacBook air 1237

Iztok - Antwort

yes, me too...did you get it fix? please share how.

jay zee -

Use disk utilities from the Mac OS installer to format the new drive in a Mac format. Then install the Mac OS. New drive won’t show up in the installer until it’s Mac format.

littleduckltd -

DDD in this case

dard disk

Ben Capehart -

A small pointer for any who have the same issue. I put in an entirely new 2TB WD sata drive and then preformed a fresh install of snow leopard onto it. When I got to the section to choose which drive to install to there was no drive image.

I clicked at the top on disk utility, then picked the drive, clicked erase and erased the drive. THis actually formats it into a mac format. after this I closed disk utility and voila the drive was now visible and installation could commence.

Good luck

Sam - Antwort

7 years later…comment was still useful, thank you

Wendell Bryant -

This guide was awesome!

Thank you!

staplesjoel - Antwort

This Mac OS X Install Guide is really outdated. When using a Recovery disk to install Mavericks, OS X just told me it couldn't install Mavericks. Didn't tell me why, it just told me it couldn't do it. I did something like this:

1. Get a USB or Firewire HD enclosure. Use the iFixit HD Replacement Guide to put your new HD into your iMac and put your old HD into the enclosure.

2. Plug in the enclosure and its USB or firewire cable to your iMac.

3. Hold down the option key on your keyboard and turn on your iMac. When it boots, it should recognize your old HD in the enclosure and give you the option to boot from that drive. Select that drive. It's just like booting when the drive was still in the iMac but maybe a little slower.

4. Now go to the App Store and Download and install Mavericks. You'll need to select "Show all Disks". You may need to use Disk Utility to format or erase your new HD if it doesn't show up. Use Migration Assistant to transfer apps and data from your old HD to your new HD in the iMAC.

Wade Bick - Antwort

Thanks for helping others! This install guide is specifically for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. We are working to make guides for installation of the more current OS's, but they haven't been completed at the current time.

Mike -

Hi, my questipn is: i have to insert the os cd before installing the new hard drive?

Miguel Yanez - Antwort

You do not need to install the disk prior to installing the Hard Drive.

Mike -

I need help. I have 10.5.8 on my macbook. My hard drive is messed up so I cant erase the hard drive as the erase button is greyed out. So I am trying to format everything in my macbook and reinstall osx. But I got 10.6 only. Please advise how to erase everything on hard disk and installing clean osx on macbook? Is anything I should know?

Ahmd Faruq - Antwort

Depending on your MacBook, you may be able to install Mac OS X 10.6 onto that machine. You will need to boot up from that disk prior to doing the erase of the hard drive as well.

Mike -

After installing new HDD in IMAC...power on gives a yellow screen. Is it possible to get to formatting utility from this point? I tried a command R no luck.

2nd attempt I tried inserting Snow Leopard disk, tried 'option' key at power on, tried Cmd-R, tried no key; disk goes into a cycling routine but nothing appears on screen.

Rich - Antwort

I think what's Happening Here is a lot of people aren't formatting drive before hand. Old drive dies new one pop in and your good. This is not the case Mac, Kaspersky uses a tool to allow you to make a bootable disk from your usb for your Mac or your PC. Use the tool that used because there are a lot of viruses out there. That what you want to do since you don't want to rip your Mac apart is download Ubuntu ISO file learning is a bootable ISO you can use FAT32. Once you do that put it in the USB drive boot from the USB. Sorry forgot to stop you need to get rid of your vram clear option RVP or something. Next is booted off the USB having its command option r. Now you want to format Drive using Ubuntu. Yes Ubuntu free where is more powerful that are Mac OS X and it's free. Now you have to remember using a Mac which is a Linux machine and it's grub so the file extension is htls. Grub you do not format NTFS…

Kapsol -

Once you've done that you need to os. So you can pay the $20 for it which is a joke you could download it from a torrent I'd be very careful doing that or if you have a 2011 that came with it manhole command-r now the problem here is it will not allow you to connect. Therefore you need to open your router settings if you have an old router that would be best.

Kapsol -

Set that router up to connect to an open DNS so where it says DNS connection you want to use Google DNS OpenDNS Mike's DNS ect Google DNS in OpenDNS are the best. And then you have to hold command-r and it now will allow you to connect to get the file. Once that gets the file it'll start the installation process your screen will turn white let it turn white holdzkom and wipe out the vram again reboot redo it and your set. And now if you're still having problems do a hardware check I think that's holding the just hold D at start up. Keep hope alive. You guys can donate for all my time put into this BS very awesome even $0.10 a penny anything be better than nothing kapsol101@yahoo is my email and PayPal if you have problems just email me now I'm always here to help. Unless I die like Steve Jobs did cuz karma's a bch.

Kapsol -

I have a MacBook Early 2009 A1181 Model. Just ordered a SSD from Amazon, and have all of my stuff backed up on the external hard drive I use for backing up. I still have all of my installation CDs, but want to make sure of the tools I need for this. I know I take the battery out, and that metal cover in that area, but for my Mac I'm not sure if it would be the same tools since it is older than what you guys have.

Also, one quick question, can I change the processor in this? I will be switching out the ram soon, likely after tax season, but I want to get a faster processor if possible.

rtaillon1 - Antwort

I replaced the original 320 GB OEM Apple/Hitachi drive in my 2007 iMac with a 3 TB Hitachi/HGST drive today using the iFixit guide. To reinstall OS X, I used an Apple USB thumb drive, which after reformatting with Disk Utility, is currently downloading Lion from Apple. I also decided to run the formatting/reinstallation before reassembling the front bezel and glass, in case my son and I did something wrong in the drive replacement. Fortunately it looks like we did everything right.

recmsoj - Antwort

Thought that I would add this comment in case someone has similar situation. MBP late 2011 replaced HD with SSD (Samsung 850 EVO). The angle on the install was that my Time Machine and Old HD were encrypted. When encrypted (Time Machine and CCC clone of drive), the Recovery HD is not setup (not sure details, perhaps this is how encryption works). Either way, setting up a bootable Install USB drive (8 gig minimum for Yosemite) was necessary. Sequence was full backup (I did both Time Machine and CCC to be sure)., create bootable USB installer drive (Google it, I used the Disk Utility method). Shut Down, Reboot with Command-R, plug in USB drive, format new disk, load Yosemite from USB to new disk, then shut down, Restart with Command-R, then load Time Machine backup. The clean Yosemite install setup the Recover Partition on new drive and the files copied from Time Machine restored system to original state without messing with newly created Recovery partition. Then encrypt new drive and you are done.

Brian - Antwort

Hi,I am getting ready to replace the drive in my early 2008 20" iMac. I have a Time Machine backup but do not have the OS installation disks. How can I get replicate my current drive contents to the new disk?

Jenerationnyc - Antwort

Thank U, Clear I would like to test and check. :)

Sasteam Vander - Antwort

please mention Customize ,that can save many GB of disk space with unwanted junk.

Andrew Waddington - Antwort

How do you install 10.5 over 10.7) (which is on a 2nd partition) to downgrade to 10.5 due to having to use some software limited to 10.5?

Greg Brooker - Antwort

How do you install 10.5 over 10.7 (10.7 is on a 2nd partition) to downgrade to 10.5 due to having to use some software limited to 10.5.

Greg Brooker - Antwort

I don't have a Snow Leopard disc. I downloaded Snow Leopard to an external hard drive, and connected it to the mac before starting up and pressing the Option Key. All I get is a grey screen and a cursor. Is there a way to format my new 1TB hard drive using software loaded onto an external drive?

arleyrose - Antwort

I don't have a Snow Leopard disc.

I downloaded it from the apple website and loaded the MacOSXUPD10.6.8.pkg onto an external hard drive and connected it to the iMac. I started it up, pressing the option key down, and all I get is a grey screen and a cursor. Is there a way to format my new 1TB internal hard drive using the software loaded onto an external drive? Kinda new to this :(

arleyrose - Antwort

I just brought a PowerBook G4 it currently runs os x 10.4.11 how do I update it to 10.5 without the disco considering I can't find one anywhere!

diggadog - Antwort

OK - I replaced my HD for my Mac Book Pro 15" #1211 and reloaded software and everything works... but the software upgraded to OSX Lion and again everything works... but it won't up grade to anything beyond Lion. What am I missing? Is it a hardware restriction or some other problem?

pmoretti - Antwort

I replace on 2009 Imac my old HHD with a new SSD 1TbThen the screen was blank. i had to insert the Snow Leopard CD hold on option button and open the Utilitys and chose the new ssd to install the Snow Leopard.Then i did ll the updates and downlead and install all Lion,Maverik,Yosemit ,.and it works

Daniel - Antwort

is anyone fix Input/Output error yet? Please help!!

jay zee - Antwort

Where can I download Mac OSX Leopard 10.5?

gitico2006 - Antwort

Thank you for the guide. My 2008 24 inch imac has been use as a paperweight for the past 4 years after the HD failed. I replaced it with a 27 inch imac, but I decided to have go at fixing the old one. I replaced the 320 WD HD with a WD 2 TB today. All went well until trying to reinstall the original OS (Snow Leopard) and could not get the computer to see the new HD. Your guide saved the day and now have the OS installed. Thanks again.

John Gardner - Antwort

wen i am installing asking the id & password, if i give new id it not accepting. i am totally struck please help me

Sathish m - Antwort


I guess you have a machine with 'Apple T1 Security Chip'. That means no good! With T1-Chip it is possible to protect EVERYTHING even possibility to completely block Recovery, Access to System Harddisk and so on.. with a SIMPLE PASSWORD! If you don't know that - I am sorry to say - your Machine is USELESS!

Only option then is knocking at Apple's doors, begging on knees, that they go for a secure workaround. That does exist for EVERYTHING as a Senior-Apple-Developer told me once. Truth? I really don't know.

Good Chance for your project


Sacha Hofer -

So you can't use a hard already in the Dell gx280? Or if you can does it delete all the information that you used before trying to install mac os on your Windows pc? Probably stupid but really curious? This dell has been a soldier for me but I'm not able to purchase a Mac right now and want that operating system so bad.

Ryan Ridgeway - Antwort

There is no normal way to install Mac OS on normal PC, for limits of Apple. You can Google "Hackintosh" for installing Mac OS on a Windows PC.

ycwei982 -

I am trying to re-install OS X Leopard onto a Macbook A1181 and can get to the picture in Step one less the HD option. When I click on the Install Disk the drive starts then the Laptop re-boots. It never gets to step two. I can hear the HDD spinning and have checked the RAM but do not know what to check next other than try checking the HDD to make sure it is good.

khutch9999 - Antwort


I printed out this guide before I replaced my SSD, however the graphics for Steps 6 to 17 did not print - the graphics for Steps 1 to 6 were fine - any ideas to solve this issue?

Best wishes,


Gary Brooker - Antwort

How would i do this without a functioning optical drive

James Reynolds - Antwort

Need some help. Installing High Sierra on my MacBook Pro Mid 2009 - did all the steps to put it on a brand new external drive. It is plugged into my computer, I can see the High Sierra install when it comes on and when I click it it goes to a grayish/white screen with a circle slash no symbol, like the ghostbusters, then use sits there and does nothing.

Robert Warfield Jr - Antwort

It’s normal, The minimum hardware requirement for High Sierra is a MacBook Pro Mid 2010.

So, go to make a new usb drive with Sierra.

Anthony Fassler -

In step 5 of this guide would it work to choose “Restore from Time Machine Backup” instead of “Reinstall macOS”, connect my Time Machine backup via USB and restore my HD? Or do I first have to install the OS on the new empty disc and then load my backup?

Stephan Gysi - Antwort

I have a 2011 MBP17 and its on a third or fourth failed GPU. This time I have an external screen which gets a good signal so there is some sort of output but the main screen is totally non-functional.

I’ve had to replace the disk now too. I have a bootable installer on a USB drive for High Sierra.

The problem is that the installer and Recovery both want to put their windows on the original screen leaving me with a blank grey screen on the external monitor (with a functional pointer). Its clearly acting as an additional monitor as I can move the pointer off the left side of the screen as if there’s more screen space over there.

Is there any sequence of key strokes that I can use to do a fresh install of High Sierra without actually being able to see what I’m doing? Or some magic cheat code I can put in to force it to only consider the external monitor as existing (ie completely ignore the main MBP one)? Such things seem possible from within the OS with normal settings but I’m not at that point just yet.

Martin - Antwort

My iMac (Early 2009) crashed hard. Figured out that it was the HHD so I decided to replace it. Used the SSD upgrade kit from ifixit. Followed the guide and these instructions(installed El Captain) and everything is running great. Thank you so much.

Raymond Black - Antwort

Hi Guys, I have an MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2010) Running macOs X El Capitan vs10.11.6 (15G31). Is it possible to substitute HD to SSD using this type of procedure?

Bruno Nog - Antwort

Added a slight twist to the install - instead of High Sierra, I had to go with El Capitan. This may be validating a recommendation I found to go with the OS version that came with the iMac when purchased. Still tried High Sierra first but the bootable USB created for High Sierra was detected by the iMac (24 inch mid 2009 model). The install did not even start and I got the stop sign. Tried to create a boot USB this time for Sierra, no luck there, got the “/Volumes/MyVolume is not a valid volume mount point” message numerous times. I suspect the Sierra download was at fault, although a valid Apple file. Anyways, went back to El Capitan, boot USB ok, install started and got a valid screen for the first time with the new SSD. Formatted the SSD and the install completed like a charm.

diphi - Antwort

Late 2011 MBP 13”. Step 1. Have access to a MacBook running High Sierra. I do not have this. How do we proceed? Running 10.7.3

markburrows350 - Antwort


I will follow your tuto to install high serria on my macbook late 2009.

I bought an SSD, and i will replace my old HDD by the SSD and will install high sierra on it.

My question is before to install high sierra, I will format the SSD, and in this tuto you request to use the format Mac OS extended, and when I search on the net, many time I found that is preferable to format the SSD in APFS ?

Could you confirm me that I have to us Mac OS extended instead of APFS ?

pitch069 - Antwort

Reading through the guide, I have confirmed that this should work without adjustments for macOS Catalina down to Mac OS X Lion, as long as you create a USB flash drive correctly with the correct operating system on it.

DistroHopper39B - Antwort

ottima guida. ottimo risultato


davide artisan - Antwort

Is it posible to install Mac os High Sierra in a 2020 iMac 21,5 this way???

Carlos Rodríguez - Antwort

No, the minimum version available is the macOS version on the product release date. So only macOS Catalina and Big Sur for iMac 2020 models.

Anthony Fassler -

Thanks a lot for your answer. When I bought Mi actual IMac, mid 2011, The official OS was Lion, and I was told the same. Anyway, with a bootable universal disk, I installed a partition with Snow Leopard (2009), since supports machines with Intel CPUs. I thought I could do the same

Carlos Rodríguez -

yes, it’s maybe possible, but not recommended, because the hardware optimisation is maybe not present in this lower OS version, so the OS work, but there are a risk of bug

Anthony Fassler -

If you receive a error message ("this copy of the install macOS Mojave application is damaged and can‘t be used to install macOS"? ) about the install file being damaged, see this link to use terminal to change time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57aA8e9Y... In my case I went back in time for High Sierra. This was the FINAL piece I needed to install the OS. I think…:) BTW This page was of help also Mid-2010 Intel i3 21.5" Intel 3.03GHz iMac constantly freezes

Michael Maxson - Antwort

Very useful your link to the YouTube video about changing the time. An always very useful procedure to run/install/reset any application that refuses to open/work. You only need to know (Google a little) when the application has been released, and use this date to modify it on your computer's "Date & Time" preferences panel (in the video Terminal is used because of you're running the installer and your not allowed to modify this parameter through the System Preferences).

Arty -

Just needs a macbook still running High Sierra… Are there any of those left?

thomas.g.featherstone - Antwort

Please help. Installed 2T SSD hybrid on early 2009 iMac. Used bootable USB flash drive to install El Capitan. Got through step 6, agree to licensing agreement, of this guide. Everything was going well but installation never completed. Progress bar was showing install was complete for hours but nothing else happened. It did not restart. What should I do next?

Karin Gillies - Antwort

reinstall os after disk utility preparention for the destination drive of you liking osx extended non case sensitve JOURNALED non encryted

Carl Subadan - Antwort

Hello there I updated my Mac Pro 4.1 to 5.1 successfully. I created a bootable usb with MacOsX High Sierra and when I started the usb to install, I get some images suggesting that I connect the mouse and keyboard. My mouse and keyboard are usb and it does not recognize them. I plugged in another mouse and keyboard and it still doesn't recognize them after booting the bootable usb to install High Sierra. However outside of the installer, both in the operating system that I have running, and in the boot menu pressing the Alt key to select the boot with the bootable usb, they work perfectly. Do you know how I can solve this? Thank you

Pancho - Antwort

This needs updated. You can no longer obtain High Sierra from the App store even while using a Mac running High Sierra. If anyone can point me to a proper High Sierra DMG download, that would be super helpful! Thanks.

Graham - Antwort

J'ai finalement réussi à copier High Sierra sur une clé USB.

Ce qu'il faut savoir avant d'essayer, c'est d'utiliser Safari et ne pas laisser AppStore faire l'importation. Avec Appstore on se retrouve devant rien à la fin de l'importation, le système AppStore vérifie si c'est compatible sinon, il ne laisse rien.

J'ai une clé avec High Sierra, mais ça prend les commande à entrer dans Terminal lorsque la clé est reconnu. Le mot de passe de l'ordi en question, je ne l'ai pas, ce mac pro m'a été légué et mon oncle est décédé.

Quand j'ouvre le Mac Pro 5,1, j'ai soit une image de cadenas sur fond gris avec un carreau pour entrer un mot de passe ou autrement c'est l'image d'une chemise de classement avec un point d'interrogation.

Le disque SSD ou se trouvait le OS High Sierra a été effacé, je croyais que ça irait mieux pour ré=installer en neuf. J'ai une copie de celui=ci sauvegardé sur un disque effectué par Time Machine.

Est-ce que quelqu'un a des suggestions à me faire?

A b - Antwort

I did do the steps here above in the tutorial and he does not find the internal ssd after I did it all. I came until the screen where High Sierra has to be downloaded and then I followed the steps there. The Mac seemingly is downloading and booting but after the boot I again come on the Mac OS Utilities. So from there on I cannot do anything than to lock the Macbook.

I will try the same procedure working with putting my intern ssd with a Satacable on usb and will see how it is working then.

geert DL - Antwort

How To install MacOs 10.13 on External boot drive for macbook pro 2012??

Pls Help me. I Am STUCK on Sierra


Hello, MacBook Pro 2012 have compatibility up to macOS version 10.15 (Catalina).

I recommend this latest version for the security of your system.

You can download this version here : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211683...

And install it like other software or create a bootable USB drive.

Tutorial here: https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/How+to+crea...

Anthony Fassler -

Great guide. Worked very similarly with a Mavericks bootable USB, just no option for the APFS format for the new drive. Thanks!

Matthew Matthew - Antwort

Mine says recovery server could not be contacted help me fix it

Tri Tuana Dewi - Antwort

I don't get it! Why install High Sierra when the next step is to erase the hard drive? Surely the install files will be wiped as well?

dave - Antwort


Erase is the hard disk, not the USB stick with High Sierra on it. So, it's a clean install erase all data on hard disk and install the OS on the clean hard disk. So if you have data on the hard disk you need to save it, if you don't want to lose it.

And if you just want to update your macOS you can do it without clean the hard disk and you lose nothing.

Anthony Fassler -

At present, the REAL problem is to get the Install App from Apple, in order to have your USB bootable flash drive. For unknown reasons, at this date (July 9, 2023) you can't get the Install App file downloaded from Apple to your hard disk if you are not running the latest version of macOS Sierra (10.12.6). If you're running any other previous OS version, you only get a very tiny file (about 20 MB) that NEEDS an internet connection to install High Sierra (as obvious, from this tiny file you can't build your USB bootable flash drive). What a shame from Apple, that does not say anything about this on the corresponding support page.

Arty - Antwort

what to do after trying to install Mac OS X but it siad "Can't download the additional components needed to install Mac OS X."?

Matchima Luangrahaeng - Antwort

Get to step 6 and there’d no licence agreement

Gail Tickhill - Antwort

g déjà mis 1 cment

hodod moussa - Antwort

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