Wii U GamePad WiFi-Platine tauschen
Zu Schritt 1 der AnleitungDiese Anleitung zeigt, wie die WiFi-Platine im Wii U GamePad ausgetauscht werden kann.
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Drehe das GamePad um und entferne die beiden 4,7 mm Schrauben mit einem Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher #00.
Drücke mit deinem Finger nach unten und ziehen sie Akkustecker heraus.
Entferne dann den Akku aus dem Akkufach.
Entferne die zehn 9 mm Schrauben am äußeren Gehäuse mit einem Tri-Wing Y1 Schraubendreher.
Hebe die Rückseite des Gehäuses an.
Ziehe mit den Fingern den Stecker des Rumble-Motors am äußeren Gehäuse von der Hauptplatine ab.
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:Tweezers$4.99
Löse die beiden Sicherungen am oberen und unteren Ende des weißen Flachbandkabels mit einer Pinzette.
Entferne das weiße Flachbandkabel mit einer Pinzette.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenbauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenbauen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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13 Kommentare
I just completed this repair on our Game Pad, and it worked perfectly!
There were two things that I noted that may be of use to anyone else completing this repair. First, the 9mm screws on the back may be located under small stickers used to conceal the screw holes. If you take them up carefully with a knife or other flat blade, you can reuse them if desired. Second, I didn’t see the need to remove the white ribbon cable in step #6. I successfully completed the repair without that step.
I just completed this repair on our Game Pad, and the guide worked perfectly!
There were two things that I noticed that may be of help to someone else completing this repair. First, note that the 9mm screws holding the back on may be located under small black stickers used to hide the screw holes. If you take them up carefully with a knife or other flat blade, you should be able to reuse them if you desire. Second, I didn’t see a need to remove the white ribbon cable in Step #6. I successfully completed the repair without that step.
This fix worked perfectly - our Wii U was virtually unusable because of the severely limited range of the gamepad. My kids are thrilled that they can comfortably play again!
Worked perfectly, gamepad only worked within 2 ft of the console and now works 15ft away.
Instructions were concise, well illustrated and easy to complete.
Thanks a lot!
I went to do this - already have another chip - but I discovered there are no wires attached! The white and black wires shown are not in my gamepad at all. I’m amazed I can connect in the first place. Any idea how I can replace the wires that attach to the chip? Or work around it?