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The HP Pavilion 14-b120dx laptop was released in October, 2013. It was later replaced by the HP Pavilion 15‑au010wm, which is still sold today.

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Why doesn't my computer have sound?

Why doesn't my computer have sound?

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A couple of things could lead to this. First, check to see if you have muted the computer. If this is not the case, then check to see that you have no external sound devices hooked up to the computer. If still nothing is found and no sound is playing, try to update the drivers for the sound card, or re-install/ find another comparable sound driver. If still nothing has worked, than you need to try to replace the sound card.

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Hi Erin,

FYI. Not too many laptops, if any, have separate 'sound cards'. The audio controller is built into the motherboard. If the problem is on the motherboard it is easier to buy a USB sound card adapter than to either try and fix the motherboard (hard) or replace it (expensive), if you want to have sound and keep the laptop.


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