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Das 2020 Mainstream-Smartphone von Apple kam am 23. Oktober heraus und verfügt über ein 6,1" OLED Display und ein 12 MP Zwei-Kamera-System und ist in fünf verschiedenen Farben erhältlich. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 11.

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Issue: Face ID is not available try again later


I have an issue with repairing my iPhone 12 and I'm stuck at the moment.

I refurbished the display as a hobby, but now I'm getting a "Face ID not available" message when I try to configure Face ID by going to Settings > Face ID & Passcode > Configure Face ID and then tapping on "Get Started". It briefly appears as if it's working, but before the scan begins, the message pops up. In General > About, I'm also alerted to the Face ID issue.

I have restored True Tone and auto brightness is functioning as well.

I have already cleaned all the sensors with alcohol once, and I've also tried setting up Face ID without closing the display, ruling out any contamination on the display as the cause. In Portrait mode, the Natural Light option is grayed out and not highlighted in yellow.

For the repair, I have i2C i6s and an SK Box. I'm not proficient in micro soldering yet, but if that's the only way to fix the issue, I'm still interested in knowing what exactly needs to be soldered.

It would greatly help me if someone could help me out and let me know if I need any additional tools for this.

Thank you in advance.

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have you tried using the sk box to determine if any part of the face id module is faulty


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did you replace the logic board to match with the face id as well?

you have to have matching IMEIs for them to pair and work together.

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he said he refurbed the screen. so i doubt there was a board or front cam swap


@tech_ni yes, but in newer iphones, the face id is paired with the logic board, in an attempt to prevent repair, so if they replaced the face ID without getting a new board with a macthing IMEI, then it will not work, unfortunately


@micksoergel did you put your face id and camera from your old display into your new one?


@timtomissus yes i know but he didnt say he swapped anything, he said it happened after the screen refurb


@tech_ni yes, but if the IMEI doesn't match the face ID (and most displays come with one installed, BTW) won't work, there's no debating that, and it just the way apple chose so they could pocket more money from people who need new screens, sorry


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Since the iPhone X was the first one featuring Face ID, there are more posts and guides about malfunctioning Face ID there than anywhere else, so it might be worthwhile to browse through them and see if anything looks applicable to your situation. Here are the ones I found.

iPhone X Bild


Warum die Face ID bei einem iPhone X nach der Reparatur nicht mehr funktionieren kann



3 minutes

iPhone X Bild


Warum Face ID nach einer Reparatur nicht funktioniert



iPhone X Bild


Fehlersuche für iPhone X Face ID: "iPhone etwas nach oben/unten bewegen".



iPhone X Bild


IPhone X Face ID fehlerhaft nach Displaytausch



iPhone X Flex Cable Bild


iPhone X Face ID Not Working Fixed By Replacing Earpiece Flex Cable



40 minutes

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Hi Mick,

I'd like to get a little better idea of what you're doing. First off, you mention "refurbishing" the display. What exactly do you mean by that? Are you simply replacing the screen and moving the earpiece speaker assembly to the new screen? Or are you getting deeper into it and swapping the display IC so as to eliminate the genuine part warning?

Most commonly when there's a Face ID failure following a screen replacement, it's generally due to damage to a flex cable on either the dot projector, the IR camera or the front-facing camera. If it's the front camera, that's actually replaceable as it's not paired to the logic board, but it'll take some Dremel work on the metal housing. Otherwise, if there's damage to one of the other two flex cables, they may be repairable, but you have to keep the original parts in order to preserve Face ID.

You might want to check into methods of verifying the operation of either the IR camera or the dot projector to see if you can pin down where the issue is coming from, as it'll most likely be one of those two things giving you trouble.

Oh yeah, check the peepholes in the display for any of those blue protective liners that may have been overlooked; if there's something in there it'll mess up Face ID.

There was a short period of time in which Apple was disabling Face ID if it detected that the screen wasn't original, but they later relented on that, so make sure and update to the latest iOS release to make sure that's not the issue.

That's all I can think of at the moment; good luck with it and let us know what you find!

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First of all thanks for your answer!

I gradually want to improve my repair skills. I haven’t soldered anything yet.

At the moment I’m learning how to swap only the glass or only the touchscreen like I ve done it here. I swapped the touchscreen that’s why the touch ic is not original anymore and I get a display message. The newest IOS version is installed, so I don’t think the reason has to do something with the fact that I refurbed the screen. But it seems I have damaged something like the flex cables.

But unfortunately I don’t see any damage on the flex cables.Is there something like a list with which I find out what the problem is. Something like Check if Auto brightness works if not that could be the Problem or then this is not the problem. Is there something like that so I can find out what the problem is? I also have an PC that I could use for a diagnosis or something like that if needed

And thanks for the help again


@micksoergel Yeah, if only there was such a list, I would personally make use of it! Sadly, I know of no such guidance that's available. Would be fantastic if someone eventually put one together as a Wiki article here on iFixit!


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