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The Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS is an entry level DSLR with a 10.1 MP sensor released on the 10th of June 2008. Also known as the EOS 1000D and the EOS Kiss F.

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What's the correct battery?

Hi, i'm getting a second-hand Canon EOS Rebel X S Film Camera. Can you tell me where I can get a battery for it? What is the type that will fit to it?

Thank you!

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The Rebel X and Xs film camera uses CR123 batteries. You can usually find them at drugstores with a photography section, or at Walmart.

There may be some confusion if you ask someone at the counter (or online, for that matter), as they may not be familiar with the non-dSLR version of the camera.

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Try this one: http://www.amazon.com/Canon-LP-E5-Compat...

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