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Reparatur- und Zerlegeanleitungen für das iPhone SE der 2. Generation, im April 2020 angekündigt und veröffentlicht.

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won't fully boot after battery replacement

Using iPhone 2020 battery replacement kit from ifixit

After putting everything back together, the first time I got nothing from the phone, so I took it apart again to check for any mistakes and I did see a ribbon cable (the one one closer to the bottom outside edge) got a little caught on the when reassembling, so I got that straightened out so it wouldn't catch, and I managed to get to the critical low battery screen (before boot). I haven't really been able to get past this point despite charging both wired and wirelessly. The low battery screen seems to last its full cycle, but after that it doesn't respond to power button or anything. Tried hard reset sequence as well and nothing.

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Hello, take a magnifier and inspect the area arround the batteryconnector. Maybe you knocked a small resistor or component of the motherboard. Sorry foor my poor English i hope you know what i mean.

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