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Aktuelle Version von: AussieMac

Original-Beitrag von::

-Try the AHT (Apple hardware test) startup with the Install disk in the computer and hold down D. If you are running 10.5 or above you should use the install disk 2 - The applications disk. IF that doesn't help, you may want to backup your files by running it in Target Disk mode (hold down T at startup) and do a fresh reinstall or OSX
+Try the AHT (Apple hardware test) startup with the Install disk in the computer and hold down D. If you are running 10.5 or above you should use the install disk 2 - The applications disk. IF that doesn't help, you may want to backup your files by running it in Target Disk mode (hold down T at startup) and do a fresh reinstall of OSX



Original-Beitrag von: AussieMac

Original-Beitrag von::

Try the AHT (Apple hardware test) startup with the Install disk in the computer and hold down D. If you are running 10.5 or above you should use the install disk 2 - The applications disk. IF that doesn't help, you may want to backup your files by running it in Target Disk mode (hold down T at startup) and do a fresh reinstall or OSX

