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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

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In System Setup (BIOS) there is an area called Wireless where you can check that your Bluetooth is enabled.
( to enter system setup press F2 when you first turn on your laptop)
There are two options displayed.
1. Wireless switch : which allows you to determine the wireless devices that will be controlled by the wireless switch: WWAN, WLAN, and Bluetooth.
2. Wireless devices : which allows you to ''enable or disable'' the following wireless devices: WWAN, WLAN, and Bluetooth.
-Here is a link to the E6140 service manual which describes the System Setup (BIOS) settings. http://downloads.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_laptop/esuprt_latitude_laptop/latitude-e6410_service%20manual_en-us.pdf
+Here is a link to the E6410 service manual which describes the System Setup (BIOS) settings. http://downloads.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_laptop/esuprt_latitude_laptop/latitude-e6410_service%20manual_en-us.pdf



Original-Beitrag von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::


In System Setup (BIOS) there is an area called Wireless where you can check that your Bluetooth is enabled.

( to enter system setup press F2 when you first turn on your laptop)

There are two options displayed.

1. Wireless switch :  which allows you to determine the wireless devices that will be controlled by the wireless switch: WWAN, WLAN, and Bluetooth.

2. Wireless devices : which allows you to ''enable or disable'' the following wireless devices: WWAN, WLAN, and Bluetooth.

Here is a link to the E6140 service manual which describes the System Setup (BIOS) settings. http://downloads.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_laptop/esuprt_latitude_laptop/latitude-e6410_service%20manual_en-us.pdf

