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Original-Beitrag von: gUru0026

Original-Beitrag von::

Remove batteries and connect controller with console via usb. Go to settings and there is a tab for controller inside that there is even a button for updating your controller with the latest firmware. If there is an update then do it.  Turn of console, use NEW double A (AA) batteries, not the one you can recharge,  single use batteries. Put them inside controller then connect controller with cable onto XBOX ONE, hit XBOX ONE power button. Your controller will vibrate for a moment. When XBOX show dashboard (homescreen) try controller. If does not work press the XBOX button on top of the controller. If it works then remove cable connecting controller with console. If controller turns off (the xbox logo on top turns off) then there is problem with controller if not there is problem with XBOX ONE console.

Hope this direct you to the problem and then fix it!

Best of luck!

