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Aktuelle Version von: Lora

Original-Beitrag von::

-I had this problem too. All the videos say to adjust th screw 1/4 turn to right to lower the beater until barely moves the dime 1/2" with each pass of the beater.
+I had this problem too. All the videos say to adjust th screw 1/4 turn to the right to lower the beater until it barely moves a dime 1/2" with each pass of the beater.
-I figured out turn screw to the right made the dime test wose so I turned the screw to the LEFT... and ta-dah. Dime test passed. :)
+I figured out if turn screw to the right as instructed, it made the dime test worse. The screw barely turned an 1/8th of a turn and wouldn't turn any further. So I turned the screw to the LEFT a little at a time... and ta-dah. Dime test passed. :)



Original-Beitrag von: Lora

Original-Beitrag von::

I had this problem too. All the videos say to adjust th screw 1/4 turn to right to lower the beater until barely moves the dime 1/2" with each pass of the beater.

I figured out turn screw to the right made the dime test wose so I turned the screw to the LEFT... and ta-dah. Dime test passed. :)

