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Aktuelle Version von: Alton Bell

Original-Beitrag von::

The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have repaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. Has to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They are multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble getting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is meant to wiggle out with patience.
+ == Update ==
+ HI:
+Once again you refer to removing this cable from the motherboard. It is not attached to the motherboard but from the connection I have in my last post and under the keyboard then up to the led button panel. So I do not know what you are referring to by removing it from the MB.
+If you need any more help about this you have to clarify your statement about removing it from the MB.
+Good luck



Bearbeitet von: Alton Bell

Original-Beitrag von::

-The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have rapaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. HAs to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They ar multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble geting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is ment to wiggle out with patience.
-== Update ==
-Here is the real ribbon and one from the manual
+The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have repaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. Has to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They are multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble getting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is meant to wiggle out with patience.



Bearbeitet von: Alton Bell

Original-Beitrag von::

The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have rapaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. HAs to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They ar multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble geting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is ment to wiggle out with patience.
- == Update ==
+== Update ==
- Here is the real ribbon and one from the manual
+Here is the real ribbon and one from the manual



Bearbeitet von: Alton Bell

Original-Beitrag von::

The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have rapaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. HAs to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They ar multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble geting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is ment to wiggle out with patience.
+ == Update ==
+ Here is the real ribbon and one from the manual



Original-Beitrag von: Alton Bell

Original-Beitrag von::


The ribbon cable is a part alone and can be replaced. I have found them on ebay about $4.00. I have rapaired them by using scissors and cutting across the aluminum foil where it goes in the ZFC connector and it is doing great. HAs to be enough of the rigid part left to push in the socket. What ever you do do not try soldering anything on the MB or you will have to throw it away. They ar multi layered PCB and fragile. I bet you had trouble geting the ribbon out from the socket at the front of the unit. Happens almost every time I try. IT will just push back in after it is cut square under the lip of the socket as it is sort of spring loaded and is ment to wiggle out with patience.

