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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-sachin gupta your fan motor is most likely starting to gum up. I suggest you tear it down right to the motor teh clean the rotor shaft bearing etc. with some contact cleaner/degreaser and some good puffs of compressed air. Dry everything off and apply some grease to the bearings etc.
+sachin gupta besides the great suggestions given by @jayeff it is also possible that your fan motor is most likely starting to gum up. I suggest you tear it down right to the motor teh clean the rotor shaft bearing etc. with some contact cleaner/degreaser and some good puffs of compressed air. Dry everything off and apply some grease to the bearings etc.
It is also possible that the motor windings are starting to fail.



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

sachin gupta your fan motor is most likely starting to gum up. I suggest you tear it down right to the motor teh clean the rotor shaft bearing etc. with some contact cleaner/degreaser and some good puffs of compressed air. Dry everything off and apply some grease to the bearings etc.

It is also possible that the motor windings are starting to fail.

