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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

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-Searching online for the service manual or the schematics gives no results but perhaps you could contact this [https://www.mpcstuff.com/mpk25parts.html|supplier] and ask if they have the service manual or the schematics for the keyboard controller.
+Searching online for the service manual or the schematics gives no results but perhaps you could contact this [link|https://www.mpcstuff.com/mpk25parts.html|supplier] and ask if they have the service manual or the schematics for the keyboard controller. It never hurts to ask
-It never hurts to ask
+Here’s the [https://www.akaipro.com/amfile/file/download/file/547/product/63/|user manual] if you haven’t already got it and you do get it working



Original-Beitrag von: jayeff

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Searching online for the service manual or the schematics gives no results but perhaps you could contact this [https://www.mpcstuff.com/mpk25parts.html|supplier] and ask if they have the service manual or the schematics for the keyboard controller.

It never hurts to ask

