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Aktuelle Version von: H33th3r

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Thank you for asking this question, I appreciate it and all the responses. The planetary drive came off the shaft on my Kitchenaid after a busy season of making Christmas cookies. So, I bought retainer ring pliers & some JB Weld, ready to epoxy. However, while I was testing the connection between the drive & shaft, I couldn’t get the shaft back out of the drive!! I just smashed it in as far as it would go and put the mixer back together, greasing the gears for the first time in 14 years. It’s working great now, but we’ll see how long it lasts! If the drive comes off again, at least I have my JB Weld handy to glue that thing once and for all. LOL



Original-Beitrag von: H33th3r

Original-Beitrag von::

Thank you for asking this question, I appreciate it and all the responses. The planetary drive came off the shaft on my Kitchenaid after a busy season of making Christmas cookies. So, I bought retainer ring pliers & some JB Weld, ready to epoxy. However, while I was testing the connection between the drive & shaft, I couldn’t get the shaft back out of the drive!! I just smashed it in as far as it would go and put the mixer back together, greasing the gears for the first time in 14 years. It’s working great now, but we’ll see how long it lasts! If the drive comes off again, at least I have my JB Weld handy to glue that thing once and for all. LOL





