I damaged the Mini USB port of my Canon EOS 6D and I’m trying to get a few cables out from the PCB directly to comunicate with the camera, I soldered a few cables for VUSB, GND, D+ and D- but when I plug the camera to the PC is not detected…
I saw the Data signal with my scope and I see some data bursts sometimes but nothing on the PC… What m I missing?
How can I recover the USB comunication without changing the whole PCB?
I damaged the Mini USB port of my Canon EOS 6D and I’m trying to get a few cables out from the PCB directly to comunicate with the camera, I soldered a few cables for VUSB, GND, D+ and D- but when I plug the camera to the PC is not detected…
I saw the Data signal with my scope and I see some data bursts sometimes but nothing on the PC… What m I missing?
How can I recover the USB comunication without changing the whole PCB?
I damaged the Mini USB port of my Canon EOS 6D and I’m trying to get a few cables out from the PCB directly to comunicate with the camera, I soldered a few cables for VUSB, GND, D+ and D- but when I plug the camera to the PC is not detected…
I saw the Data signal with my scope and I see some data bursts sometimes but nothing on the PC… What m I missing?
How can I recover the USB comunication without changing the whole PCB?