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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-jackfuller Err 30: Shutter malfunction. Just like anything else with these cameras, try another lens to see if it still gives you the same error. If so it could be mechanical error with the shutter or it could be with any of the flex cable etc.
+jackfuller Err 30: Shutter malfunction. Just like anything else with these cameras, try another lens to see if it still gives you the same error. If so it could be mechanical error with the shutter or it could be with any of the flex cable etc. This manual [document|28517] starting on page 127 will help you with the disassembly and allows you to take a closer look at the connectors/cables etc.
+For a replacement shutter assembly, use this [document|28518]



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

jackfuller Err 30: Shutter malfunction. Just like anything else with these cameras, try another lens to see if it still gives you the same error. If so it could be mechanical error with the shutter or it could be with any of the flex cable etc.

