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Aktuelle Version von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

-@ajeeaspt okay, let's stop looking for any specific IC. Forget anything about this IC for now since there are a few dozens of those on your motherboard. REading your explanation, you have a water damaged motherboard/computer . The very first thing you want to do right now is to STOP! STOP using it, charging it, trying to turn it on etc. All this does is make a bad situation worse. Unplug it from the AC supply.
+@ajeeaspt okay, let's stop looking for any specific IC. Forget anything about this IC for now since there are a few dozen of those on your motherboard. Reading your explanation, you have a water damaged motherboard/computer. The very first thing you want to do right now is to STOP! STOP using it, charging it, trying to turn it on etc. All this does is make a bad situation worse. Unplug it from the AC supply.
-Next step for you to do is to disassemble your computer. Download the Service Manual for it [https://dl.dell.com/content/manual39757171-inspiron-3501-service-manual.pdf?language=en-us|from here]
+Next step for you to do is to disassemble your computer. Download the Service Manual for it [link|https://dl.dell.com/content/manual39757171-inspiron-3501-service-manual.pdf?language=en-us|from here]
Remove the motherboard the I/O board etc. Take a careful, close look at all components and connectors. Truly assess the damage. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. You will have to remove all the EMI shields, the heatsinks/fan etc. If there is any gross contamination to be cleaned, do not use drinking water, if you need to use water, use sterile water. Once you got that gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ (at minimum, higher if you can get it) isopropyl alcohol and clean all of your boards some more.
For a proper cleaning, use [guide|5825|this guide.] It was written for an Apple iPhone 3G but it is still pertinent to your laptop as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. Do not use compressed air for the cleaning since that can drive liquid as well as corrosion particles into areas that will cause trouble later on. Also, you do not need to leave it to dry for a day. Isopropyl alcohol in the higher concentration will evaporate quickly and dissipate the water. The importance here is the cleaning.
It would of course be best to get it professionally cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner. Once your boards are cleaned, take some large, clear pictures of those and post them with your QUESTION. That will allow us to see what you see. Everything will be a guess until you have taken care of the water damage. Once it is cleaned properly, reassemble your laptop and re-evaluate. you will need a new battery to ensure that you have a known-well starting point.
WE need to see your boards so we can try and help you find a schematic to hopefully help you to fix your laptop. It is not going to be "quick and easy" but it is probably doable. So you need to be involved with this repair. By that I mean following the advice of the great people/community on here. We are here to help you, but you have to do the work.
If for whatever reason you can't do this, or if you feel this task is to daunting, I suggest that at minimum you replace the motherboard, the IO board and the battery. [br]



Original-Beitrag von: oldturkey03

Original-Beitrag von::

@ajeeaspt okay, let's stop looking for any specific IC. Forget anything about this IC for now since there are a few dozens of those on your motherboard. REading your explanation, you have a water damaged motherboard/computer . The very first thing you want to do right now is to STOP! STOP using it, charging it, trying to turn it on etc. All this does is make a bad situation worse. Unplug it from the AC supply.

Next step for you to do is to disassemble your computer. Download the Service Manual for it [https://dl.dell.com/content/manual39757171-inspiron-3501-service-manual.pdf?language=en-us|from here]

Remove the motherboard the I/O board etc. Take a careful, close look at all components and connectors. Truly assess the damage. Look for major corrosion, evaluate the pins in the connectors etc,. Take a look at all connectors as well as cable ends. You will have to remove all the EMI shields, the heatsinks/fan etc. If there is any gross contamination to be cleaned, do not use drinking water, if you need to use water, use sterile water. Once you got that gross contamination cleaned, use 90%+ (at minimum, higher if you can get it) isopropyl alcohol and clean all of your boards some more.

For a proper cleaning, use [guide|5825|this guide.] It was written for an Apple iPhone 3G but it is still pertinent to your laptop as well. I can not stress the importance of a good cleaning enough, so do it over and over while replacing the alcohol after each cleaning. Do not use compressed air for the cleaning since that can drive liquid as well as corrosion particles into areas that will cause trouble later on. Also, you do not need to leave it to dry for a day. Isopropyl alcohol in the higher concentration will evaporate quickly and dissipate the water. The importance here is  the cleaning.

It would of course be best to get it professionally cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner. Once your boards are cleaned, take some large, clear pictures of those and post them with your QUESTION. That will allow us to see what you see. Everything will be a guess until you have taken care of the water damage. Once it is cleaned properly, reassemble your laptop and re-evaluate. you will need a new battery to ensure that you have a known-well starting point.

WE need to see your boards so we can try and help you find a schematic to hopefully help you to fix your laptop. It is not going to be "quick and easy" but it is probably doable. So you need to be involved with this repair. By that I mean following the advice of the great people/community on here. We are here to help you, but you have to do the work.

If for whatever reason you can't do this, or if you feel this task is to daunting, I suggest that at minimum you replace the motherboard, the IO board and the battery.  [br]

