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Aktuelle Version von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi @superres7
-Here's the [https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/e590_e595_hmm_en.pdf|hardware maintenance manual] for the laptop.
+Here's the [link|https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/e590_e595_hmm_en.pdf|hardware maintenance manual] for the laptop.
-First go to p.60 to see how to ''disable the built in battery'' and then go to p.66 to view the procedure to remove/replace the thermal fan assembly so that you can refresh the thermal paste on the CPU (and also clean the fan once it is removed from the laptop).
+First go to p.60 to see how to ''disable the built in battery'' and then go to p.66 to view the procedure to remove/replace the thermal fan assembly so that you can refresh the thermal paste on the CPU.
+If necessary you can also clean the fan once it is removed from the laptop as well.
Here's the ifixit [guide|744] guide that may help.



Original-Beitrag von: jayeff

Original-Beitrag von::

Hi @superres7

Here's the [https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles_pdf/e590_e595_hmm_en.pdf|hardware maintenance manual] for the laptop.

First go to p.60 to see how to ''disable the built in battery'' and then go to p.66 to view the procedure to remove/replace the thermal fan assembly so that you can refresh the thermal paste on the CPU (and also clean the fan once it is removed from the laptop).

Here's the ifixit [guide|744]  guide that may help.

