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Now I did some 6h of testing, digitizer works good, only thing that happens now is that the magnetic cover does wake up the iPad when opened and let it sleep when closed, so that is ok but now it also sleeps the device if you open the cover (device wake up) and wrap it 180 degrees around the iPad (as is one of the resting positions). Guess I did something wrong in the inside.
Seems to be the same problem talked about here at step 39 (don't know why under 39 this is why I didn't see it in the first place.
The guide does tell you to put a narrow piece of tape at the bottom left and right from the home button. I will try this now and hope it helps. I guess it is this problem since the digitizer works perfectly once detached from the screen. A picture of this would be very helpful since it is not clear, how far this tape should go. I will try a complete cover of this area but the downside is, that there will be some space that may hinder the adhesive. I'll see.
I covered the whole bottom copper with tape, digitizer still glues on the frame and... everything is shiny and works as expected. Hence don't forget this tape. Glad I reopened the device, first I was reluctant and wanted to call it a failure, now I have a working iPad again.
Assembled back with a new digitizer. Powered on.
1. Screen keeps to be black, no image. Put on a charger, iPad makes "boing" sound very quite every 10 seconds or so. Plugged it into a Macbook Air, iPad show up in iTunes and iFoto, all data can be accessed.
2. Suddenly, after few minutes connected to the Macbook Air, iPad boot screen appears on iPad and device boots-up.
3. Now, input is very sporadic and unreliable. Device keeps selecting items on its own and starting apps on its own, doesn't react reliably to user input. Seems as if the digitizer or its connection is damaged. Hard to tell, everything went ok, only problem was the removal of the old adhesive to have a plain surface for the new one.
As is, this is a failure, device does not work as expected. Data is safe though.
Ok, more fiddling, this "device" with the rubber foam hat is the rear facing camera. Just turning the iPad around would have told me this, *sigh*. Seems to late for me for such a repair. Still, the rubber foam hat came loose, it has a metal coating between foam and camera and seemed to have been glued. Guess I have to take the risk and glue it back on, pressure from the digitizer won't be enough to hold it in place.
My bad, the adhesive is already on the panel, sorry. Hence, all good from iFixit. But the problem with the litte rubber hat still exists.