I also had this, in my kindle the screen was broken, although you couldn't see a crack, only the bottom part that didn't work anymore. I replaced the screen successfully and made a guide: Kindle 4 Bildschirm ersetzen
You can find the serial number of your screen back on the cable connecting the screen to the device, so if you open up the Tolino until step 3 you’ll find a serial number at the back of the largest cable. In case of the Shine 1 it’s ED060XG1 LF , maybe it’s something else with you. You google that serial number and you’ll find a lot of shops selling them. It could be that it’s branded for another type of e reader like kobo, but that does not matter, multiple manufacturers use the same components, you just have to make sure that the serial code is the same because screens with different serial numbers are not cross compatible.