Who Am I?
My name is Jacob Miller. I am a student at Embry-Riddle Prescott. I am from Oregon and I enjoy swimming and the outdoors.
Embry-Riddle Prescott Campus
What Do I Hope To Accomplish?
I hope to become an Aerospace Engineer and work on projects that involve space flight. I also want to finish up my private pilot’s license.
Cessna 172 The plane I am getting my license in
Repair Experience
I have experience dealing with repairing more of the physical projects around my house from helping to find replacement parts to looking at schematics to help repair law equipment. I have minor experience in repairing electronics mostly on the software side.
Electronics Experience
I have used a variety of different electronics. From Chromebooks to Ipads I have good experience with a lot of electronics, especially on the software side.
Meine Anleitungen
Anleitungen, zu denen ich beigetragen habe
Meine Lieblings-Anleitungen
Jacob Miller
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Team S7-G7, Rauch Spring 2021
Team Tag: ERAU-RAUCH-S21S7G7