Appreciate I'm late here but posting for people that this may still help. If your phone powers on firstly try a factory reset to see if its a software issue. That may be all it takes to get things working correctly. If it does this whilst charging then try to clear the charging port with some compressed air and a toothbrush. A deep clean may be needed. Your local repair shop will be able to do this in minutes. Often this is caused by water damage initially which in turn leads to a short between the board and the vibration motor. If you have the skillset and you're lucky replacing the vibration motor may work (these are cheap and usually the repair is fairly straightforward). Depending on the phone model it may be worth at this stage also replacing the charging board, these are also fairly cheap. If none of the above work then you're almost out of luck. You'll probably need to replace the board(s) or have it repaired by a specialist.