It may not be a selfie frosting refrigerator. You may every once in awhile have to unplug it and let it thaw out just to get the ice off that's the way mine does and the motorhome cuz it's not a self defrosting refrigerator
Have you tried just cutting it off completely and running a straight pipe I asked that because that's what I've done with my Volvo 240 wagon that I'm redoing
If it's allergies then u could say u have seasonal allergies, or if u don't wanna go into work one day I could call the boss and tell him u have anal°glaucoma, when he asks whats that u can tell him that u just don't see ur ass comin to work today maybe tomorrow... Hope that helped 😁
I had so many and such large stones in my kidney they drilled on it til it had to be removed!!!! Largest stone was bigger than a lemon .... Thank God they finally took it!!! Lol I wanted to add my thoughts .... Have a great and groovy day!!!