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JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen

JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen

Jack Ng

Jack Ng und 3 weitere Mitwirkende

Zuletzt aktualisiert am May 13, 2023

8 - 15 Minuten

Wenn einer der drei Anschlüsse (AUX, USB, Ladeanschluss) nicht mehr funktioniert, müssen sie vielleicht ausgetauscht werden. Wenn du nur einen der Anschlüsse austauschen willst, musst du löten können. Unsere Lötanleitung zeigt dir, wie das geht.

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  1. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Frontabdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Frontabdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 2 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Frontabdeckung: Schritt 1, Bild 3 von 3
    • Lege dein Gerät mit der Unterseite nach oben und setze ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug vertikal in den Schlitz in der Frontabdeckung ein.

    • Ziehe das Werkzeug langsam nach außen und löse die Rasten, mit denen die Abdeckung befestigt ist.

    • Wiederhole dieses Verfahren an allen vier Kanten der Frontabdeckung.

    Sometimes disassemblers forget that the first time they disassembled the item it didn’t want to give up easily: I didn’t like the forces I was having to apply at all, so I switched to two plastic prying tools per “corner” and one in-between them (total 5, you could use plectrums…) before I was happy the the forces were low enough not to break anything.

    Frank Puranik - Antwort

    the front grill is supposed to be first not the back the back has longer while the front has shorter clip

    Water Bass Tester (Water BT) - Antwort

    There are two Phillips head screws to remove before prying the cover off

    jason - Antwort

    Where in south Africa can I buy jbl charge3 port bay replacement

    Donovan Fransman - Antwort

    There appears to be different versions of the Charge 3. If you find it difficult to pry open a second side the two small screws mentioned by Jason will need to be removed but it also indicates that there will be some additional changes to this tear down that I will try to convey in the comments as well.

    john Ramirez - Antwort

    Sadly I damaged the latches on my charge 3. There was more to it than just prying the front cover up. First, there is a small latch on both sides that you need to push down before pulling the front cover towards you that release the clips holding the front cover in place. Pull only slightly forward because… Second, in the front cover there are 6 circular notches connected to the front cover in tue four corners including the middle corners, you need to squeeze the front cover a little bit gently removing the notches so they dont break (like mine did).

    ralphkeneth_gomz - Antwort

    Definitely had to watch about 10 videos and still couldn’t get it to pop out easily.. Took a look at the first picture in the next step and really took note of where the little hole that lets you through to push down the tab is. Once I took a look at that and combined the techniques I’d seen in some of the videos it finally popped off easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7i0_nD9... I only watched the first minute of this video but it helped a good bit if anyone else is having trouble.

    Rowan Darko - Antwort

    How do you know if the speakers or one of them is burned or broken.. i notice that one speaker is playing much less hard then the other one.. I wonder now if maybe there is another problem with my device.. Battery problem?

    Bukowski101 - Antwort

  2. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 1
    • Ziehe die Abdeckung auf beiden Seiten vorsichtig auseinander und entferne sie vom Gehäuse.

    • Es gibt einige Schrauben rund um die Füße des Gerätes. Eventuell müssen diese aufgedreht werden, um die andere Seite der Abdeckung zu lösen.

    • Im Inneren der Frontabdeckung befinden sich Löcher, die beim Zusammenbau in die entsprechenden Stifte des Lautsprechergehäuses passen müssen

    • Das Entfernen der Frontabdeckung beeinflusst nicht die Abdichtung gegen Feuchtigkeit. Allerdings werden beim weiteren Zerlegen des Lautsprechers wasserdichte Verklebungen und Dichtungen beschädigt. Dein Gerät wird danach wahrscheinlich nicht mehr länger wasserfest sein.

    Include dissembling the plastic cover? cover?

    KanGoon - Antwort

    @KanGoon Yes, on mine it took the removal of 6 (reasonably obvious) screws to remove that. I’ll try to insert a photo when I reassemble…

    Frank Puranik - Antwort

    Very good guide! Pics and descriptions make this easy!

    John G Petko - Antwort

    There is a step missing here. How do you remove the rubber cover that covers the port?

    Phillip Luebke - Antwort

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese wieder wasserdicht zu bekommen?

    Furkan Karakelle - Antwort

    Well, broke off the cover tabs. Have to remove 2 screws first. Might add that to the instructions.🤔

    Spartacus - Antwort

    Me too. Saw the screws after I'd popped it off.

    Del Taylor -

    It doesn't look fixable. Can't get the cover to stay on anymore. Ideas?

    Del Taylor - Antwort

  3. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Anschlüsse: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Anschlüsse: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen, Anschlüsse: Schritt 3, Bild 3 von 3
    • Entferne vier 8 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #1 von der Abdeckung der Anschlüsse.

    • Zwänge ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug um die Abdeckung und entferne sie.

    and then wiggle it directly (almost radially from the cylinder) out until you see the cables shown in the next step.

    Be careful not to damage the plastic gasket as you pull it out,

    Frank Puranik - Antwort

  4. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 1 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 2 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 4, Bild 3 von 3
    • Entferne die beiden Stecker an den Kabelbündeln der Anschlüsse.

    there’s not much room to get you fingers in. Again I used prying tools to help me get the two connectors off the PCB

    Frank Puranik - Antwort

    How do i get another port bay

    pjimenez98 - Antwort

  5. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 1 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 2 von 3 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 5, Bild 3 von 3
    • Entferne die drei 8 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben #1 von der Anschlussplatine

    • Ziehe die Abdeckung der Anschlüsse von der Anschlussplatine ab

    Be careful not to break the 2 plastic lugs you can see just below (on the photo) the 2 screws at the edges

    Frank Puranik - Antwort

  6. JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 6, Bild 1 von 2 JBL Charge 3 Anschlüsse austauschen: Schritt 6, Bild 2 von 2
    • Entlöte den USB-, Micro USB- und AUX Anschluss von der Platine.

    Salve, dove posso ordinare la presa usb piccola di ricarica, c’è un sito apposito?

    Robert James Hanrahan - Antwort


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

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Jack Ng

Mitglied seit: 10/08/18

2.228 Reputation

4 Anleitungen geschrieben


Cal Poly, Team S1-G6, Zimmerman Spring 2020 Mitglied von Cal Poly, Team S1-G6, Zimmerman Spring 2020


4 Mitglieder

27 Anleitungen geschrieben

16 Kommentare

Is there a place to buy an entire replacement port bay?

indecisive_decision - Antwort

Found the whole assembly on line for 30 bucks. Or a usb port for five from jbl

bonnie.1964 - Antwort

Can u share a link? Need a new port bay!

Max de Groot -

Hello! My jbl charge 3 has a problem in bluetooth, I can't detect the bluetooth in any gadget. Is there anybody have an idea how to fix this?

ebataluna - Antwort

anyone have the charging ways of this board i have 2 pads missing and would like to run the lines

Juju B - Antwort

yeah i need that too. the micro usb broke off the mb

Benjamin Goerke -


the pinout for the micro-usb socket, looking from the top side (3.5mm audio socket is on my left and USB port is on my right):

1. Most left line, line #1 on the micro-usb connector is GND. Goes to the pin #5 (also connected to #6 and #7) of the large 11pin connector labeled J602.

2. Line #2 on the micro-usb connector is ID which is connected to the GND - pin #5 (also connected to #6 and #7) of the large 11pin connector labeled J602.

3. Line #3 on the micro-usb connector is DATA +, which goes to pin #4 of the large 11pin connector labeled J602.

4. Line #4 on the micro-usb connector is DATA -, which goes to pin #3 of the large 11pin connector labeled J602.

5. Line #5 (most right) on the micro-usb connector is VCC/+5V, which goes to pin #1 (also connected to #2) of the large 11pin connector labeled J602.

Simon -

I have the same problem

Jakob -

Welche Maße haben die Ladebuchsen?

Jan Philipp - Antwort


for anyone interested - we are offering the micro-usb socket replacement service for JBL Charge 3.

You can google “getgui charge 3 micro-usb” since its probably against the policy to post links here.


Simon - Antwort

Where can I buy the port bay

martinezjajlj - Antwort

Wo kann man bauteile bestellen ? Bitte Antwort.

Danke :)

manuel.hill - Antwort

does anyone know where i can buy a new charging port board

neohunter - Antwort

Habe heute die SMD Micro USB Ladebuchse ausgetauscht. Wie man diese Reparatur in 15min erledigen will ist mir ein Rätzel. Und einfach eine THT und SMD Buchse umlöten, benötigt wirklich Fachwissen und die nötigen Lötskills. Eher 30 bis 45 minuten mit dem richtigen Werkzeug und Microskop!

Yoshioiram - Antwort


✅ JBL Charge 3 Bluetooth Lautsprecher Micro USB DC Buchse Ladebuchse Connector


Falls Sie beim Austausch der Buchse Hilfe benötigen:

✅ REPARATUR Austausch Micro USB Ladebuchse JBL Charge 3 Bluetooth Lautsprecher


PC-Solutions - Antwort

This is incomplete repair directions. Putting the new connector on the board poses some issues. what about the pins on the back/bottom of the connector? how did you attach those to the board? Complete the repair!

adam724 - Antwort

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