P775DM3 BIOS Batterie
Was du brauchst
Löse die fünf Schraube, die rot umgeben sind.
Einschlage eine Büroklammer in jedem Loch, das rot eingerahmt ist, bis einen Klick.
Hebe das Tastatur an und zögere nicht etwas zu zwingen.
Ziehe die weiße Schublade, die das Kabel zurückbehält, das rot umgeben ist, in Richtung des rotes Pfeil
Entferne das Kabel, das rot umgeben ist.
Ziehe die schwarze Schublade, die das Kabel zurückbehält, das rot umgeben ist, in Richtung des rotes Pfeil.
Entferne das Kabel, das rot umgeben ist.
Öffne die Klappe, die das Kabel zurückbehält, das rot umgeben ist.
Entferne das Kabel, das rot umgeben ist.
Ziehe das Tastatur.
Entferne das Kabel, das rot eingerahmt ist.
Ziehe die BIOS Batterie aus seinem Stelle.
When sourcing a replacement battery note which connector pin has the red wire. This is shown most clearly in the middle photo for step 12. Be careful, as similar batteries have the reverse polarity.
I bought a ten-pack of batteries for less than some suppliers were selling a single battery. EEMB CR2032-Molex51021-RP (CR2032-MX51021-RP). The connecting wires were longer than the original, but were easy to fit into the battery space.
Very many thanks for this great guide - it saved me a lot of unnecessary work.
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Arbeite die Schritte in umgekehrter Reihenfolge ab, um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen.
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Ein Kommentar
When sourcing a replacement battery note which connector pin has the red wire. This is shown most clearly in the middle photo for step 12. Be careful, as similar batteries have the reverse polarity.
I bought a ten-pack of batteries for less than some suppliers were selling a single battery. EEMB CR2032-Molex51021-RP (CR2032-MX51021-RP). The connecting wires were longer than the original, but were easy to fit into the battery space.
Very many thanks for this great guide - it saved me a lot of unnecessary work.