According to Canon customer service, one should follow the following steps to re-set your camera. It did work for me and the camera works OK
Power Reset
1. Make sure the camera is off, and then remove the battery and memory card.
2. Close the battery door.
3. Press and hold down the on/off button for 1 minute.
4. Release the on/off button, and reinsert the battery and memory card.
5. Power the camera on.
Settings Reset
1. While the camera is on, press the menu button.
2. At the top of the menu move over to the tools tab (wrench and hammer).
3. Go all the way to the bottom of the tools menu list to "Reset All".
4. With "Reset All" highlighted press the Func./Set button.
5. To complete the reset highlight "OK" and press the Func./Set button again.
It works
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14 Kommentare
Thanks markus. I saw your answer and fixed the camera. it works just like it should with the toothpick tips under the battery contacts. I lost the web page and was not able to find it to thank you until now. I appreciate your help. Thanks
von John Blish
thanks for the feedback, glad that it worked
von markus weiher
Thanks , I bet the foil or solder will fix my camera bugfoot - 1
bugfoot Charging my battery's fer a foil try , then a silver solder blob.
von jsutherland60186
First check the coin battery which is situated on the bottom lefthand corner of the camera adjacent to the A/V out plug.It is a CR2012.
von Maurice
Maurice, this uses AA batteries
von flyingfree45
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