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The fourth generation of Honda Accord covering model years 1990 through 1993 available in coupe, sedan, and wagon chassis.

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My car is losing power and killing my battery?

I need fuse box diagram to troubleshoot my connections so, I could see the fuse inputs in my 93 Honda Accord SE. I got a fuse box diagram for 93 Honda Accord but it is different from mine. Please help I'd appreciate it. Thank you

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Is this closer to the fusebox in your car? http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y205/pr...


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Its your alternator is bad

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Two places to start. First get a volt meter and measure voltage of battery, then start car and measure again.

Running voltage should be 13+, battery itself 12.8 or more. A car this age will likely start on a dying battery (under 12.2ish) but should stay running if alternator is charging.

Second- go to any auto parts store and they will run a quick check for free. This should answer most any other questions.

It is possible that you have a bad relay but unlikely. These can often be tested by swapping a light (pop up headlights?) or AC relay to the charging slot.


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