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The Nissan Xterra is an SUV that was manufactured and marketed by Nissan Motors across two generations, utilizing its Nissan F-Alpha platform shared with the Nissan Frontier pickup.

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electric radiator fan not coming on

I have a 2000 nissan xterra that the electric fan on the radiator does not come on and it over heats.

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Bill N. I show that the xterra should have a crankshaft driven cooling fan. There may be one in front of the radiator. In the 2000 the extra fan is turned on by the ECU. The A/C switch and the engine temperature sensor are simply inputs to the ECU which decides whether or not the fan should be on. I would check the fan by applying 12Volt to the connector and see if the fan will come on. Post an image of your engine compartment and lets see the fan situation

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There is a water temp. sensor more than likely on the radiator or on the manifold where the water goes to the engine from the radiator. AutoZone will usually be able to tell you where switch is located. It may be the fan motor. Turn on the a/c the fan should run .

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had a car once that someone had wired the fan motor wrong and it ran backwards . took a long time before i accidentally found that

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