How do I remove the cooling fan?
How do I remove the cooling fan in my 05 equinox?
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How do I remove the cooling fan in my 05 equinox?
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Bruce, I added the engine cooling part of the service manual to the bottom of this page. It will tell you all you wanted to know about how to diagnose and repair your cooling system. Hope this helps, good luck.
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I dont see what your talking about.
Bruce, click on the light blue link "this page" in my answer. That will take you to the device page. Scroll all the way down to "service Documents". There you should see another light blue link labelled "engine-cooling.pdf" click on that to download the cooling portion of the service manual.
I did exactly what you said and it brings me to something about a mac book pro.
Bruce, I just tried it again and it does work for me. Send me an email, my address is in my profile. I can send you the cooling chapter via email if the link does not work for you.
how do you remove a cooling fan from Chevy Equinox 06
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