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The HTC One (codenamed M7) is HTC's 2013 flagship smartphone. It features a seamlessly designed unibody aluminum frame, large dual front-facing speakers, and a 4.7-inch 1080p display.

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Why is my phone getting so hot?

Lately when I have been using my phone, it has been getting much hotter than usual. It is getting hot enough that I feel it is going to melt the phone.

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Your phone could be getting to hot for a number of reasons. The first one being over use. Having to many applications running on your phone at one time can cause it to overheat. Go into your task manager on your phone and stop all of the applications and just let it rest. The second thing would be to turn your phone off. The phone is overheating because of the battery. Therefore, if your battery turns off for a little, it gives the phone time to cool down to a normal temperature. With this HTC, the battery can not be pulled out to let cool so putting the whole phone in a cool area for a little time is the best way to cool it down fast.

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I had a wifi network that was set to "automatic connection" but the password changed. So my phone got steaming hot and lost charge overnight because it was continuously trying to connect to it. Once I "forgot" that network and reset the connection, phone was cool and charge was fine.

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My mobil htc one m9 i use mobil after so hot me be 55°C .

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Htc one m9 i use after too mutch hot me be 55°C this what problem


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My phone got so hot I couldn't hardly touch it.I let it set for a while and it was just fine.until I started using it for a long period of time again.Good luck,time for a better phone.Dean.

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Mobile network gets stuck on 2G whenever I try to change to WCMA no network signal


My HTC 826 5min net use hote net


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my mobile HTC desair 10 pro new mobile 2 days but hot charging time and use WiFi and hot what problem sir

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