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Repair information for the 7" Android tablet by Samsung. Fixing this device is straightforward, and requires only common tools. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is an Android-based tablet computer produced by Samsung. The 7-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab is the first model in the series. It was introduced on September 2, 2010

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Will not turn on.

Last night, Thanksgiving, I put my daughter's Tab on the charger and it went to a screen that had the little Android and it said "Downloading Target Do Not Turn Off" and there were some little numbers and letters in the upper left hand corner. It is 12:19 pm PST right now. My daughter just took the tablet off the charger and now it will not turn on at all! Help!

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Turn off the tablet holding power button for few seconds and when the tablet is off, turn on again and start normally . maybe your daughter pressed power button + vol- and the tablet gone in downloading mode ( it's a part of system that you can recovery software trought odin software )

tell me if it's working

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