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The Nerf Maverick is one of the most popular guns in the company's lineup and is beloved for its simplicity and ease of use.

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Why won't my gun fire?

The gun seems to be cocking correctly, but when I pull the trigger nothing happens.

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Gewählte Lösung

Plunger Misalignment

The plunger propels the bullets by air pressure. Often times after disassembly, the plunger can become misaligned with the holes in the barrel. Simply re-positioning the plunger so that its air flows directly into the barrel will solve the problem.

Bad Seal in Plunger

The plunger is made up of two tubes, one inside of the other. The outer tube is pulled back when the gun is cocked and forces air out the inner tube when the trigger is pulled. There is an rubber o-ring seal between the two tubes which forces the air to flow in the correct direction. If this seal fails, the air will not reach the bullet with enough pressure to fire. If this happens, the o-ring must be replaced. Home centers should have the appropriate size in the plumbing section, or a rubber band may be used as a substitute.

See the O-Ring Replacement Guide for more details.

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My nerf Infinus’s trigger is jammed and it won’t shoot how do I fix it


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It is difficult to give a correct answer without diagnostics, there can be many different reasons, but most likely it is a matter in the starter unit. I'll leave it here https://blasterhero.com/nerf-gun/how-to-... hope it helps you.

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piece of garbage fired 1 time


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