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iPad Mini mit 7,9 Zoll Display und 16, 32 oder 64 GB Speicherkapazität.

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iPad mini dead, all of a sudden

I sit in a iphone / iPad repair shop.

Last week i got an iPad mini in, which was completely dead. I initially fixed it my removing and replacing the battery.

Few days later the iPad was dead again. Wont charge, wont be found in itunes. Just dead

Any ideas?

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I need ipadmini if u want to sale plz cntct me 00923225924542


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3 Antworten

I would have a look at the dock connector to see if there is any debris/damage there. If not, it may be either a faulty replacement battery (common) or logic board damage.

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I have not replaced the battery yet, but I am awaiting a new one. After it died a third time, and i got it running again, it got a itunes restore logo. Removed the battery and reattached, and the it booted up normally.

Really hoping a new battery might solve.

I will report back


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check charging port for lint/debris , if thats not the problem your probably going to need to replace the charging port.


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We did try to replace the charing port, but no luck


tristar then


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its because of bricked software . u need to flash the ipad with flash box then only it will start.try contacting to the mobile repair shops ........


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