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Vornado Portable Heater fan just quit working?

I have a small portable Vornado Heater that was making a noise every once in awhile when I had it on. I tapped it, and the noise went away - thought maybe paper or something was stuck in it, but then it quit running all together. I have power going to it, but appears the fan is not spinning?

Is there a way to take the device apart and fix the fan? If the fan even is the problem.


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first of all whats the exact model of the Vornado Heater?


I forgot to bring it home this weekend, so I'll need to let you know the model tomorrow. Thank you.



There's no model listed. Just a serial NO and Type.

I'm assuming Type is the Model: VH102

Thanks again for your help.


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OK, I'm only 3 years late in answering this.

I have a vornado VH101 and have a similar problem. I will describe my problem; maybe your issue is the same or maybe not.

The fan blade attaches to the motor by friction. After a while it slips forward and hits the front grill and makes scraping sound. Eventually it gets stuck on the front grill and won't turn.

The temporary solution is to push the fan blade back. I took mine apart (4 screws, including one that requires a special screwdriver) to do this. Be careful not to push the blade too far back.

BTW, the VH101 is recalled. Don't know about the VH102.

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Thanks for a solution. I ended up throwing mine out and buying a new one. I'll keep this in mind should the issue come up again.


This was my issue as well. I have a VH2, which has two plastic bolts holding the fan assembly to the outer shell from the back. It seems like those had loosened over time. Once I tightened them up again, everything worked great.


My fan stopped working as well and I threw it away before noticing that they have a 5-year warranty!


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Always check the fuse in the plug!!! It's tiny.. if u don't have a fuse u can cut off plug and attach one from another appliance ur no longer using.. then I suggest taking apart cleaning with a shamy cloth with a little bit of wd40 on it…

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My VMH500 space heater simply quit operating after some intermittent bouts. I took it apart, very easy, and discovered that the weighted tip switch was toast. I looked on the internet and could not find a replacement.

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Sharing in case it's helpful - my AVH10 Vornado heater suddenly stopped working.

I took off the bottom panel (was used to wrap the power cord) and that revealed the safety switch that turns the heater off if its not positioned upright on the floor.

The switch worked when manually pressed, so the problem was between the casing which has a plastic peg to press the switch and the switch itself.

I bent back the metal pole on the switch and unscrewed a screw at the end of the plastic peg and this has fixed the mechanism for me.

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I had the same problem with my Vornado heater, but in my case, the tip-over safety switch was burned out and charred. Vornado dies not offer a replacement switch and the proper one was not found doing a search. I bought a different configuration and managed to get it to work. Apparently, Vornado wants you to buy a whole heater.


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